Spider Man 3 Theme Song Download
Spoilers for all preceding Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, including Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, will be left unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
"Stark chose you. He made you an Avenger. I need that. The world needs that." note From left to right: Nick Fury, Spider-Man, and Mysterio.
"I don't think Tony would have done what he did, if he didn't know you were going to be here after he was gone."
— Happy Hogan
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a 2019 superhero film directed by Jon Watts, and the 23rd installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A sequel to 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming, it's also the eleventh and final film of the MCU's Phase 3 as well as the end of 23-film Infinity Saga Myth Arc, a coda to the Infinity Saga's climax in Avengers: Endgame, and the second co-production between Disney's Marvel Studios and Sony's Columbia Pictures division. note In the agreement between the two companies, Sony financially backs and receives all profits from all solo Spider-Man movies. Marvel, in return, retains full creative control and will keep the profits from any team-up films that the character of Spider-Man appears in.
Set eight months after the events of Endgame, Far From Home follows Peter Parker — better known as the crime-fighting hero Spider-Man — on a European class trip, hoping to catch a break from superheroics following the death of his former mentor Tony Stark, when he's unexpectedly forced into yet another colossal conflict, this time against international entities known as the Elementals. Aside from receiving backup help from Nick Fury and a resurgent S.H.I.E.L.D., Peter also gains the help of an unexpected ally: a man with supernatural abilities who goes by the name of Mysterio.
The film stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Zendaya (Michelle "MJ" Jones), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), J.B. Smoove (Mr. Dell), Jacob Batalon (Ned Leeds), Martin Starr (Mr. Harrington), Marisa Tomei (May Parker), Jake Gyllenhaal (Quentin Beck/Mysterio), Tony Revolori (Eugene "Flash" Thompson), Angourie Rice (Betty Brant), and Remy Hii (Brad Davis).
A sequel, entitled Spider-Man: No Way Home, is planned for release on December 17, 2021.
Previews: Teaser. Trailer
Spider-Man: Far From Home provides examples of:
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Tropes # to D
- 20 Minutes into the Future: Zig-Zagged. Being set eight months after Avengers: Endgame means this movie takes place in the year 2024, leaving Peter and his friends to navigate a world that has moved ahead of them by five years (not counting the eight months that they've been back). However, the film lacks the usual trappings of this trope since the mass disruption caused by the Snap has prevented society from progressing as it normally would, leaving the world looking more-or-less the same as it does in the present.
- Action Survivor: In the climax, while cornered in the Tower of London, Peter's classmates and Happy try to fight back with the weapons on display. MJ bludgeons a drone with a mace, Betty finds a halberd, and Happy tries to throw a shield Captain America-style, with no success.
- Actor Allusion:
- In her last scene, MJ wears a t-shirt depicting Joan of Arc, referencing the dress her actress Zendaya wore at the 2018 Met Gala
- Happy Hogan makes a sort-of-coded call to Nick Fury, making up a story about a surfboard that everyone thought belonged to Fury. Clearly they watched Snakes on a Plane to the very end. It's actually a coded message to Talos, who is currently portraying Fury. Talos's first appearance on Earth was as a surfer, so this was confirmation that Mysterio was not on the up and up.
- Broek op de Langedijk is a town in Langedijk in North Holland. When a character played by Tom Holland gets lost on a train from Germany, this is where he ends up.
- In her last scene, MJ wears a t-shirt depicting Joan of Arc, referencing the dress her actress Zendaya wore at the 2018 Met Gala
- Actually Pretty Funny:
- In the trailer, as Spider-Man ties up some goons, a group of cops asks if he's going to be the new Iron Man. Spider-Man replies that he can't, because he's too busy doing their job. The cops acknowledge the burn in good humor.
- Flash Thompson's fanboying about Spider-Man while simultaneously insulting Peter gets a chuckle out of the latter.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: The original Mysterio in the comics is portrayed as a short, unattractive man. This contrasts with his film counterpart, played by handsome actor Jake Gyllenhaal. This suits the change in his backstory, since Mysterio in the comics was a failed actor on account of his appearance.
- Adaptational Jerkass:
- The comics version of Mysterio has, for the vast majority of his history, been something of a joke villain if not an outright Goldfish Poop Gang, with goals that weren't much more complicated than "robbing banks through unnecessarily advanced technology" or "trying to kill Spider-Man through overly complex death traps". This version of the character is fully aware that Spider-Man is a child and not only willing to kill him and all his friends, but potentially dozens, if not hundreds of innocent people in the process, just to make himself look like a real hero.
- In the comics, J. Jonah Jameson was antagonistic of Spider-Man, but the character (still) maintained a sense of honor. Most importantly, Jameson was In-Universe considered a good journalist who did his research, and it's because of his high reputation that the likes of Aunt May and Gwen Stacy in the comics expressed dislike for Spider-Man since Jameson really did build up a lot of trust over the years among his readers for them to take his word over Spidey's. Likewise, Jameson was shown as a champion of civil rights in ASM #91-92 (published in 1970-1971) as well as his involvement in the X-Men story arc "Operation: Zero Tolerance" (where he basically told Bastion to shove his bribe to Jonah up his own ass), having fairly progressive leanings. Here, Jameson is reimagined as a fanatical, fear-mongering conspiracy theorist directly modeled after Alex Jones (with whom Jameson would have a number of political disagreements to say the least), while "TheDailyBugle.net" has a controversial reputation (much like InfoWars
) when in the comics it had a reputation for being a "newspaper of record". All that said, this also a case of Older Than They Think. J. Jonah Jameson's early appearances in 1963 involved him slandering Spider-Man and starting conspiracy theories on TV news. He was also notably not the Editor of the Bugle but rather owned the company that published it and used his power as such to bluntly spread lies about Spider-Man.
- Adaptation Distillation: Mysterio is a blend of a number of different versions:
- His heroic aspect comes from his origins in ASM #13, as well as Stan Lee's Spider-Man Newspaper Strip which in The Oughties did a serial story of Mysterio as a hero (who actually convinced Spider-Man there unlike the original L-D story), and whose motivations and origins is a grudge he held at a hero ruining his civilian career. note In the newspaper strip, this was Spider-Man who trashed the set of Beck's low-budget horror production thinking it was an actual monster attacking a civilian rather than a scene in the film, so good was Beck's VFX work. Rather than see this as a tribute to his own artistry, Beck was furious that Spider-Man's attack destroyed his production, since such an accident wasn't covered in the production's insurance, sinking it and Beck's movie career in the process.
- His more murderous approach and tendency to target teenagers, as well as his fondness for Mind Rape and Gaslighting, while always present in a minor degree, was ramped up considerably in Guardian Devil (where he went after Daredevil and caused Karen Page's death) as well as Old Man Logan (where he manipulated Wolverine into killing the X-Men including several teenagers at the X-Mansion).
- This version of Mysterio claims to be a traveler from a parallel Earth. In Spider-Men, the Ultimate version of Mysterio was revealed to be an android controlled by the regular 616 vision of Mysterio who had traveled to a parallel Earth, albeit for far different motives — he didn't claim to be trying to save the world, and was just sick of losing to 616 Spider-Man so much that he tried to start his criminal career over in what he thought was a more vulnerable Earth.
- An Aesop: As the Big Bad says, "It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves".
- It's easy for people to believe what they want to believe rather than deal with the truth. Peter's so eager for someone else to take the burden of being "the next Tony Stark", that he eagerly sees the best in Quentin Beck and easily falls into his trap, dodges his responsibilities and procrastinates, only for that to almost lead to disaster. The MCU Holding Out for a Hero lets many to latch onto Mysterio as a Replacement Goldfish which he exploits to his benefit, fooling the likes of Talos "Fury", Peter, and J. Jonah Jameson.
- Nobody is really what they seem. The "Nick Fury" and "Maria Hill" we've seen throughout the movie are actually the Skrull couple Talos and Soren. Flash Thompson is not nearly as much of a jerkass with a good life he tries to make himself out to be. MJ and other high-school kids, as is clear in the Tower Vault scene, mostly put on poses to cover their insecurities. This also applies to Peter who underrates himself and overrates Tony. As Happy reminds Peter, "nobody can live up Tony... not even Tony Stark" who was "a mess... and all over the place".
- Alternate Universe: After being explained in Doctor Strange and further discussed in Avengers: Endgame, this film shows that S.H.I.E.L.D. is aware of the existence of the Multiverse.
- Alternative Foreign Theme Song: The Japanese release features a song by Ling Tosite Sigure, titled "Neighbormind."
- All Your Powers Combined: When the giant Elemental attacks London, it appears that the four previous Elementals had returned and combined into one. Peter's teachers even likened it to Power Rangers or Voltron.
- All There in the Manual: The Daily Bugle ARG provides some extra details on what happened in between the end of the movie and The Stinger, along with what happened after said Stinger and expanding on the aftermath of the Blip.
- Ambiguous Situation: Just who revealed Spider-Man's identity at the end? It's possible that Mysterio didn't actually die and used an illusion to fake it (as he's done in the comics), and did so to get one last spite on him. The most mundane idea is that it was someone in his crew like William Ginter Riva who did it (indeed, he's shown downloading something — possibly Mysterio's doctored footage — onto a flash drive shortly after the London attack falls apart). Either way, we don't know.
- Amicable Exes: Ned and Betty have a mutual breakup at the end of the film, where they both agree that they enjoyed their relationship but it was time to end it. Peter is confused by this, since they suddenly started dating about a week earlier, acted like Sickeningly Sweethearts the whole trip, and suddenly broke up.
- And Starring: "With Marisa Tomei and Jake Gyllenhaal".
- Arc Words: "The next Iron Man."
- Armor-Piercing Question: The confession night scene:
Peter: Were you only watching me because you thought I was Spider-Man?
- Artificial Intelligence: Played with: Tony's last gift to Peter is a pair of Augmented Reality glasses which served as an interface to an AI named E.D.I.T.H. which is hooked up to the Stark network. Compared to other Stark A.I.s seen in the MCU (like J.A.R.V.I.S., F.R.I.D.A.Y., Vision, or even Karen), E.D.I.T.H. doesn't appear to be as intelligent. She interprets orders literally, never acts on her own, and the closest she comes to offering an opinion is a couple of safety warnings.
- Artistic License – Biology: Tulips bloom in spring, in May at the latest, so there would be no field of blooming tulips in different colors in the Netherlands in summer. But it does make a pretty shot.
- Artistic License – Film Production: Quentin Beck a.k.a. Mysterio wears a motion-capture suit that maps his movements onto his artificial projection of himself during faked "superhero fights", but it's just the underlayer and a custom bubble helmet without the sensor dots and face camera rig
◊ of real ones (it's possible the sensors were left off the suit out of the real life concern that they might interfere with the CGI being used in their scenes).
- Artistic License – Geography: Flights from the Netherlands to London would go over either Essex or Kent; Dorset is 160 miles southwest of London.
- Ascended Extra:
- Michelle Jones goes from being an Advertised Extra in Homecoming to one of the most important parts of Far From Home.
- William Ginter Riva (a.k.a. the guy Obadiah Stane yelled at about Tony Stark being able to build an arc reactor in a cave with a box of scraps), who goes from an unnamed character who appeared in only one scene of Iron Man to becoming the Mission Control and second-in-command to Quentin "Mysterio" Beck.
- Betty Brant only has a few lines in the first film, mostly confined to the school announcement in the beginning, but she's a significant supporting character throughout this film.
- Ascended Fridge Horror: The film touches on some effects of "The Blip" that weren't addressed in Avengers: Endgame, such as families losing their homes because new occupants took over while they were gone and teens having to deal with younger siblings and classmates suddenly being five years older than they were the last time they saw them. However, it doesn't dwell too much on them (rather, it notes that there are problems, but that people are working through them without much in the way of complaint because they're just happy that The Decimation was reversed).
- As You Know: After Peter gives E.D.I.T.H. to Mysterio the bar dissolves, revealing it was an illusion. Mysterio then gives an unusually in-depth toast to his assembled crew that conveniently details who they each are and what their roles are in their ongoing scheme.
- Atrocious Alias:
- Aunt May, in a discussion to Peter's danger-detecting Spider Sense, calls it the "Peter tingle." He begs her repeatedly not to call it that.
- Ned tells Betty that superhero in the black suit who is definitely not Spider-Man is called "Night Monkey".
- Downplayed with Mysterio. MJ points out that the news outlets in Venice are actually calling him a "man of mystery" in Italian, but the kids still take to calling him "Mysterio." Beck is bemused when Peter calls him that upon meeting him, but later decides to embrace the name.
- The Big Bad takes offense that Tony took such advanced holographic technology and gave it the crass name "B.A.R.F."
- Attack Drones: The E.D.I.T.H. AI has control over an entire arsenal of hovering robot drones housed in an orbiting satellite.
- Backhanded Compliment: Flash's way of complimenting Peter on his new glasses (left to him by Tony Stark) is to ask how he was able to afford such an expensive brand.
- Badass Bystander: The two Coldstream Guards at the Tower of London launch into action and take on the high-end Attack Drones with ordinary assault rifles destroying one and heavily damaging another.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Even after his demise, Mysterio manages to get the last laugh by pinning all of his crimes (and his death) on Spider-Man before revealing his true identity to the world. Jameson even hails him as "the greatest superhero of all time", meaning that he gets to retain his good reputation in the public eye.
- Bait-and-Switch:
- While moving through security at the airport, Peter's luggage is flagged and opened for search. On top of the pile is his Spider-Man suit, and Peter attempts to explain that it's just a costume. The agent brushes the suit aside and holds up the banana, saying that it's not allowed.
- After blasting the drone outside the bus, Peter hops back in, disheveled. His classmates who were earlier distracted turn to look at him, and Betty suspiciously says, "I know you don't think we notice Peter, but... your new look? I love it."
- When Mysterio traps Spidey in an endless Mind Rape illusion, he's suddenly taken out from behind by Nick Fury. Unfortunately for Peter, this turns out to be yet another cruel illusion, and he's just given Mysterio a list of targets.
- In the closing minutes, Peter narrates over his return to the US about how he's fed up with all the lies and secret-keeping. It's followed by a shot of him talking to an unseen audience, wearing his costume but not the mask. Cut to reveal he's talking to May and Happy in the Parker family apartment, trying to figure out the status of their relationship. Not even they agree on what they are.
- Bait the Dog: Quentin Beck serves as the Good Cop to Fury's Bad Cop, reassuring Peter about his trauma and Nick being a stick in the mud. It's all a ruse for Peter to give him the EDITH glasses. He was going to let Peter go home, until he found out that MJ alerted Spider-Man about Quentin being a fraud.
- Bash Brothers: Tom Holland describes Spider-Man and Mysterio's working relationship as being like brothers-in-arms. Peter confides in Mysterio and they joke around together, and when in battle with the Elementals, the two rush in whenever the other is about to be overwhlemed.
- Batman Gambit: This is how Mysterio manages to get the E.D.I.T.H. glasses from Peter Parker. He paints himself as a noble hero and takes advantage of Peter's good heart. He even refuses when Peter offers him the glasses the first time to reinforce his image as a Humble Hero. When Peter insists and Beck puts on the glasses, we then see that his facial hair was deliberately setup to mimic Tony's. This makes Peter trust him even more, and he believes that the glasses will be in the right hands with Beck.
- Battle Couple: In a hilariously bizarre way, Fury and Hill are this through the film's duration as it's revealed they're actually Talos and Soren, a married Skrull couple. This puts the "I got you" moment of Hill blowing up the drone about to kill Fury into a romantic declaration.
- Beta Couple: Much of the film revolves around Peter and MJ trying to navigate their romantic feelings for each other; Peter trying to find the right time and place to confess his feelings, and MJ trying to be brave enough to open up and confess hers (that she's strongly implied to have been hiding for years, mind you). Meanwhile, Ned and Betty get together during the plane trip to Europe and are Sickeningly Sweethearts for the entire trip, and hilariously subvert this trope when they amicably break up once they return home... just as Peter and MJ have gotten together.
- Better as Friends: By the end of the trip, Ned and Betty mutually break up because they decide they aren't right for each other but are still friends.
- Be Yourself: The whole Central Theme of the film. The whole point of the movie is for Peter not to continuously look up to Iron Man and be his successor, but to be his own person and be known as Spider-Man.
- Big Bad Ensemble: The Elementals, four monsters from Mysterio's universe that are coming to annihilate this world. It's subverted with the reveal that they're actually just holograms controlled by Mysterio, the real Big Bad, who wants to set himself up as the next Avenger.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- During the Fire Elemental attack in Prague, Ned and Betty are trapped on a Ferris Wheel and call "Night Monkey" for help. As the Elemental attacks the Ferris Wheel causing it to buckle, Spider-Man is able to hold the ride in place and eventually web it to a nearby building while Mysterio pulls a kamikaze attack that destroys the elemental. Downplayed in that once the battle is over, Mysterio and Spider-Man go for drinks with Ned and Betty pretty much forgotten.
- Just as the Big Bad has Peter on the ropes, Nick Fury shows up and takes him down. Subverted when as soon as Peter gives Fury the information he's been asking for, he gives an Evil Laugh, revealing himself as Mysterio all along.
- Big Good: Nick Fury, serving as a mentor to Peter Parker and leading S.H.I.E.L.D. with Maria Hill.
- Bloodless Carnage: Despite having a bigger scale and scope than Homecoming in terms of threat, Far From Home is notable for lacking a single on-screen death apart from the main villain. None of the dialog or news reports mention any casualties from the Elemental attack in the prologue or the later ones in Venice and Prague. Mysterio's plan to use the drones with "weapons hot" to produce a high body count for the London illusion is greeted with dismay by his team which implies that their previous staged attack weren't intended to kill anyone.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: The Big Bad never bothers to check for a body either of the times that he thinks he's killed Peter.
- Bonding Through Shared Earbuds: Part of Peter's plan to get close to MJ is to sit beside her on the flight to Venice so they can watch the same films through shared headphones via his dual adapter jack. However, his attempt at seat reshuffling goes awry, and he ends up sitting beside one of the teachers while his rival Brad ends up sharing headphones with MJ.
- Bookends: This film provides a nice one for the entire Infinity Saga (phases one to three). The first film, Iron Man ends with Tony revealing his secret identity to the entire world during a press conference and giving a wry smile to the group. Here, Peter's secret identity is revealed by Mysterio and broadcast by The Daily Bugle causing Peter to react with a Curse Cut Short.
- Bowdlerisation: Some versions of the trailer change Flash's "What's up, dickwad?" to "buttwad" or more commonly "loser".
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: MJ's fascination for the Italian word "boh":
MJ: It can mean a million things. "I don't know," "Get out of my face," "I don't know and get out of my face..."
- Break Out the Museum Piece: Very literally, as Happy and the kids trapped with him in the museum near the Tower Bridge use the museum's antique weapons and even a thrown shield to defend themselves from their attackers.
- Break the Cutie: Having endured one horrifying vision after the other from Mysterio's illusions playing on his hang-ups and insecurities while literally beating him through several stories, followed by getting hit by a train, when Peter meets back up with Happy he puts him through a Something Only They Would Say test to make sure he was not just another one of Mysterio's illusions before breaking down in tears.
- Breather Episode: Coming off the high drama of Endgame, this film is a fairly low stakes isolated incident that is more light-hearted and comedic, while acting as an epilogue to the Infinity War storyline and Phase 3 as a whole. Subverted with the mid-credits scene, which completely throws Spider-Man for a loop when his secret identity is exposed.
- British Royal Guards: In a break from their usual depiction in fiction a pair of these are seen competently firing on (and taking down) two attack drones.
- Building Swing: A Spider-Man staple, but at one point, he does so with MJ in his arms.
- Bully Hunter: Twice in the movie, MJ stands up to someone being a jerk to Peter. First, she gets an airline stewardess to confiscate Flash's martini after Flash made a snide comment about Peter's lower middle class background. Then after landing in London, Brad bursts about seeing Peter half-naked with a mystery woman and complains that no one's interested in "the truth"; MJ responds with a George Orwell quote and then asks Brad why he was taking pictures of people in the bathroom.
- Busman's Holiday: Peter is genuinely hoping to just take a break from being a superhero while in Europe, only to end up getting roped into assisting Nick Fury. The fact the class trip happens to be caught in the middle of the Elemental attacks doesn't help matters.
- Butt-Monkey: Mr. Harrington. He's always doing his best to give the kids a good time and keep them safe, but he winds up haplessly hijacked into leading them into danger or lame activities, for which he bears the blame. The other teacher on the trip openly calls himself the "cool teacher" and distances himself from Harrington's decisions to adhere to that image, leaving Harrington to do all the actual work. And to cap it all off, Harrington mentions offhandedly that his wife pretended to die in the "Blip" so she could run away with another man, and he held a funeral for her, which is Played for Laughs when he says it in his normal casual tone. Despite all this, any time shit hits the fan, he is always right into action trying to protect the students, and he eventually calls out Mr. Dell for not doing the same.
- Call-Back:
- When Spider-Man asks why Thor can't help them, Nick Fury says that he's off-planet. At the end of Endgame, Thor joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Turns out MJ figured out Peter was Spider-Man in the same way Adrian Toomes did, specifically bringing up the Washington monument.
- When Peter asks Happy to prove that he's really himself, Happy mentions them going to Germany together in Captain America: Civil War.
- AC/DC's "Back in Black" is played for the first time since Iron Man from 2008 when Peter is organizing his new suit.
- The purpose of E.D.I.T.H. seems to be the realization of Stark's desire to "build a suit of armor around the world" that's been a driving desire of his first shown in Age of Ultron, only instead with a trustworthy human guide instead of an independent A.I.
- In an early scene May hits him in the face with a banana leading to the "Peter Tingle" joke. A banana again causes him trouble after landing in Italy, where a security officer is more interested in it than the superhero costume May also snuck into his luggage.
- When Happy first meets Peter's friends, Flash is excited to meet someone who works for Spider-Man; Happy is quick to establish he works with Spider-Man, not for him. When MJ and Peter reunite, she brings up Happy, describing him as "this sweaty guy... I think he works for you or something?" leaving Peter quite confused.
- The Cameo:
- Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane have brief cameos in the form of some quick flashbacks to Captain America: Civil War and Iron Man respectively.
- In the mid-credits scene, J. K. Simmons shows up as J. Jonah Jameson, reprising his iconic role in a live-action format for the first time in 12 years.
- In the after-credits scene, Ben Mendelsohn and Sharon Blynn cameo as Talos and Soren, the Skrull couple who worked with Nick Fury and Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel (2019), having been masquerading as Nick Fury and Maria Hill the entire movie while the real Nick Fury is doing a mission in space.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Peter and MJ both care for each other, but aren't comfortable putting it into words quite yet. Peter has psyched himself up by planning an elaborate Love Confession at the top of the Eiffel Tower. When Paris is rendered moot as the kids are set to return home the next day, he tries again in Prague, only to be thrown off-guard by MJ revealing she knows his secret identity. She then accidentally devastates him by claiming that her interest in him was only about seeing if her theory was correct, but bigger problems emerge before she can explain that wasn't what she meant. After Mysterio has been defeated and they reunite, they finally tell each other how they feel and they have their First Kiss. By the denouement, they're a couple.
- Captain Ersatz: While in Europe, Spider-Man wears a new S.H.I.E.L.D.-commissioned stealth suit to "hide" his presence there. The trope is lampshaded when Ned claims that stealth-suit Spider-Man is a actually a European copycat called Night Monkey.
- Casting Gag: Jake Gyllenhaal was once in contention to replace Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man 2 if he couldn't recover from a back injury. During the time, he also dated Kirsten Dunst, who portrayed Mary Jane Watson in that trilogy. Gyllenhaal pokes fun at this with a short video
he released titled "I just realized I'm not playing Spider-Man", which consists of him reading an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man with Mysterio on the cover in awe.
- Central Theme:
- Fittingly for a Spider-Man story, the movie deals with the responsibilities that come with having great power, the power in this case being the position of successor to Tony Stark.
- The film is largely concerned with truth and lies. Spider-Man spends the whole movie suffering due to his decision to hide his identity from MJ, Nick Fury slowly involves him in a web of espionage and lies, the media is frequently depicted as promoting inaccuracies like the fake superhero "Night-Monkey", and most importantly, Mysterio thrives on deceiving others through holograms and straight-up manipulation.
- Cerebus Call-Back: When the "B.A.R.F." device first appears in Captain America: Civil War, there is a quick gag about the lameness of the device's acronym, with Tony himself saying that he should think of something better eventually. Turns out that the man who created that holographic technology was hugely insulted by Tony's snarky treatment of his life's work and harbors a massive grudge. Though it's also clear that this mental instability of his was why he was fired in the first place. His Self-Serving Memory for instance has him imagine an audience laughing at the name, when that part never happened in the actual film.
- Chekhov's Gag: Flash's obsessive habit of livestreaming during the trip comes in handy when Peter uses one of his streams to quickly track down his friends. When Happy tells Flash that his videos ultimately helped out Spider-Man, the guy can't help but fanboy over his hero "following him" on social media.
- Chekhov's Gun:
- The Spider-Sense a.k.a. the "Peter Tingle". It gets mentioned at the beginning of the movie, then is completely ignored until Spider-Man relies on it completely in his final battle with Mysterio to "see" through the illusions and detect the invisible drones.
- Tony's B.A.R.F. technology from Civil War comes back into play 10 films later. Quentin Beck created it and would eventually use it to create his many illusions as Mysterio.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Beck's lead assistant is the same lab tech that Obadiah Stane gave his infamous "in a cave, with a box of scraps" rant to. The film even has a flashback to the original scene.
- Class Trip: To Europe, to study the sciences. Although between Mr. Harrington's failure to verify that the museums were open and Nick Fury eventually hijacking the trip, there's actually not a lot of science education going on.
- Cliché Storm: Invoked by Mysterio, whose backstory and general identity involve just about every superhero trope. He's a cape-wearing, laser-shooting Flying Brick from a world devastated by a series of Generic Doomsday Villains powered by ridiculous-sounding Techno Babble and is seeking revenge for not only his world's destruction but also his dead family. Even his battle banter includes such classics as "This is for my family!" and "You took everything from me!"
- Cliffhanger: The mid-credits scene serves as one for the entire movie, with Mysterio and J. Jonah Jameson revealing Spider-Man's secret to the entire world and framing him for the Elemental attacks and Mysterio's death.
- Collapsible Helmet: Mysterio's iconic Fishbowl Helmet joins the long list of superhero headgear that disappear into the collar of the costume in a blink of the eye. Subverted in that, unlike the others, the fishbowl exists solely as part of Mysterio's holographic disguise.
- Composite Character:
- In the marketing materials, the Elementals are named Cyclone, Sand Man, Hydro Man, and Molten Man; all of which are minor members of Spider-Man's Rogues Gallery — but all of them were humans with powers over a respective element. The set of mystical elemental beings collectively called the Elementals of Doom in the source material, as well as the otherwise unnamed Elematrix, were originally the enemies of the Fantastic Four. Also like the Elementals of Doom, they were also an "artificial" threat. In the comics, they were real and created by the alchemist Diablo, whereas these Elementals are as much smoke and mirrors as they are military-grade weapons.
- Happy Hogan takes on aspects of Jarvis, chiefly his romance with Aunt May which happened in JMS' Spider-Man in the lead-up to Civil War.
- Continuity Nod:
- Peter making his new suit directly mirrors Tony designing the Mark 3 armor in Iron Man, with Peter unwittingly mimicking Tony's own actions at points. Happy's face glows warm with love and pride at the sight, seeing that his honorary nephew has truly inherited his "father's" heroic soul.
- A scene in the final battle echoes Captain America's stance against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, where Spider-Man is holding a large steel plate as a shield in his left hand and an energy-core-turned-bomb tied with a strap hanging from his right, looking like a large hammer.
- In the background of a scene where Spider-Man swings through New York, the former Avengers/Stark Tower is seen undergoing remodeling, having been sold off by the late Tony Stark to a heretofore unknown company during Homecoming.
- Just like Spider-Man: Homecoming, this film ends with a Parker hilariously shouting "What the fu—!", quite understandable as Peter watches as his secret identity is blown wide open on the Madison Square Garden 31st St screen and is himself framed for murder by Mysterio's dying message.
- Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: There is some overlap with Adrian Toomes/The Vulture and the Big Bad in that they share being morally grey villains with powers given to them by technology, supported by engineers on their team, and both hold a strong grudge against Tony Stark. Also neither has a grievance with Spider-Man at the start but have to deal with his involvement with their plans which turn him into their rival. However, The Vulture is wants to keep a low profile stealing and selling valuable technology to support his family, whereas Mysterio wants to draw attention to himself to promote that he is an Avengers-level hero. The sustainability of their goals differ as The Vulture simply wanted one more score to provide financial independence for himself and his family and planned to "retire", whereas Mysterio's heroic facade will be hard to maintain as time goes on and more "real" heroes join the Avengers. Finally, while both know Spider-Man's secret identity, The Vulture keeps it to himself to honor that Peter saved his daughter, whereas Mysterio publicly exposes Peter's identity after his defeat.
- Contrived Coincidence: The main teen cast and Aunt May from the first film were all conveniently "blipped" so that they could return in this film the same age.
- Convection Schmonvection: Not a single person gets (visibly) roasted alive by the fire elemental even when he grows large enough to fill the entire square where he appears. It gets especially ridiculous when Nick Fury and Maria Hill, who aren't wearing any kind of protective gear, drive right up to him, get out of their car, and try to fight him from the ground. It's almost like the fire elemental isn't really there at all...
- Cool Helmet: Mysterio keeps the classic "fishbowl" headgear from the comics.
- Crazy Enough to Work: Lampshaded by Mysterio during his toast "To Guterman; the story you created of a soldier from another Earth named Quentin fighting space monsters in Europe is totally ridiculous, and apparently exactly the kind of thing people believe right now!"
- Create Your Own Villain: This is the second time Peter has to deal with a villain created, even indirectly, by the actions of Tony Stark or Stark Industries. Evidently, even death hasn't stopped Stark from inspiring new enemies.
- Cringe Comedy:
- The film begins with a shiver as Whitney Houston's shockingly inappropriate "I Will Always Love You" blares onscreen to a groan-inducing amateur tribute to the fallen Avengers, replete with Comic Sans font, grainy images, stock transitions, and poor editing. Only a pair of 16-year-olds poorly versed in the 20th century pop culture from before they were born would think that using the hit-single from The Bodyguard was a bright idea, considering that A) it's a breakup song, and B) it was already considered corny enough six years after its release to be parodied on The Simpsons in 1998, let alone 2024, to even be taken seriously anymore.
- On the way to Prague, Peter is summoned by Fury into a shed nearby from the bus where his friends wait, only to be met with a tall, beautiful blonde woman dressed in tight black leather who bluntly orders him to take off his clothes and try on the stealth suit that S.H.I.E.L.D. made for him. Peter sighs and obliges, and finishes taking off his jeans just in time for Brad to blunder in and see what appears to be Peter getting ready to have sex with a dominatrix.
- While trapped in the Netherlands, trying to confirm that Happy Hogan is actually Happy, Peter demands that he tells him something only Happy would know about Peter. So the long-suffering Stark bodyguard replies that he knows that Peter used Tony's credit card to watch a porno film at the hotel when he was previously in Berlin to help apprehend Captain America. Peter tells him to stop in hurried embarrassment but gives the man a hug with gratitude.
- Cross-Referenced Titles: The first film had Spider-Man coming home. Now he's far from home.
- Cruel Twist Ending: When it looks like Peter's got everything going for him, Jonah Jameson appears with doctored footage from Mysterio and exposes Peter's secret identity while simultaneously framing him for murder.
- Curse Cut Short: We now have a Running Gag started in Homecoming where the last line of the movie before the credits is hard cut from "What the f—- ?!?"
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Played with. Quentin Beck is a genius who invented a technology that could produce simulations so real almost no-one could tell they were illusions. This tech has almost as many uses as it has dollars that could be made from it legitimately. Yet he uses it to make a fake hero in the wake of the Endgame. Subverted in that he developed it for Stark Industries and Tony repurposed it for his BARF tech seen in Civil War, dismissing it as only useful as therapeutic recreations. Beck is infuriated at being shortchanged like that, and he didn't actually own the tech itself and needed Peter's E.D.I.T.H. glasses to get access to more than a handful of drones. He turns out to be as unstable as Tony Stark thought he was; he's fame-hungry and has no problem with causing a lot of casualties in making himself look like a "hero" — even though the illusion tech could have easily been used to legitimately become a hero.
- Damsel out of Distress: MJ sees the drones in London, while the class is fleeing from the attack. When she, Happy, Betty, Ned, and Flash are trapped in the royal vaults. She picks up a mace and whacks one of the drones. This buys time for everyone to trap the drones in the vault and the others follow her lead by grabbing medieval weapons
- Dare to Be Badass: The big drive of this movie is Peter trying to find his place in the world now that Tony Stark, the Big Good of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is gone. Happy, Fury and Mysterio try to help Peter push himself towards this direction. Even Peter notes that there needs to be a "new Iron Man".
- Darker and Edgier: A character-specific example: The version of J. Jonah Jameson shown in the mid-credits scene isn't really a comedic jerk like his previous incarnations, but more in line with present day extreme news hosts who verbally bludgeon their target without mercy.
- Darkest Hour: While flying to London after Peter was thoroughly defeated by Mysterio, Happy points out what kind of situation he is in.
Happy: You're all alone, your friends are in trouble. What are you gonna do about it?
- Dark Reprise: When Mysterio's true colors are revealed, a sinister take on his previously heroic sounding Leitmotif plays.
- Dawn of an Era: The movie introduces a new post-Thanos threat and the rise of new possible heroes after the dismantling of the founding Avengers.
- Diabolus ex Machina: After the four elementals are defeated, they show up in London, fused into one massive form, already drawing power from the Earth's core. This is in-universe. Mysterio wants a real Avengers-level threat to truly make his name. It's also what finally convinces Fury that Mysterio is lying.
- Didn't Think This Through:
- Brad, purely For the Evulz, takes a photo of Peter taking his pants off for a woman, planning to show it to M.J. Peter deletes the photo but Brad tells everyone what happened. He didn't expect M.J. to take control of his story and point out that Brad followed Peter into the bathroom with the full intention of taking a photo of him. This disgusts the rest of the class, with even Flash calling Brad a creep.
- Tony's plan to hand EDITH over to Peter after his death didn't work out so well, given that Peter is still a child and EDITH clearly isn't as sophisticated as most of Stark's A.I.s.
- Didn't Want an Adventure: Peter is still reeling from the events of Infinity War and Endgame, and just wants to enjoy his time with his friends in Europe, but unfortunately, his summer fun is hijacked by heroics.
- Dies Wide Open: Happens to Quentin Beck/Mysterio after getting shot by one of his own drones.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Beck and his entire crew of disgruntled Stark Industries employees backing him, have gone rogue due to relatively minor slights they suffered under Tony either directly or under his employment. The fact that they'd end up murdering hundreds of people to achieve their ends, including schoolkids and the heads of S.H.I.E.L.D., doesn't weigh much on their conscience.
- Does Not Know His Own Strength: Peter has pretty good control over his super strength, but his control humorously slips a few times when he's nervous or upset. One being where he accidentally knocks Flash unconscious while trying to get Tony's glasses back from him, another where trying to put on a stuck seat-belt causes him to simply snap it off the car.
- Don't Think, Feel: The earlier films hinted at Peter's Spider-Sense but it was always something automatic and not under his conscious control. However, at the climax, he now relies on it to the point that he can circumvent Mysterio's illusions, fighting with his eyes shut and using his Spider-Sense to find and destroy the attacking drones. In addition, it allows Peter to feel that Mysterio is invisible and standing next to him about to shoot him in the head.
- Double Entendre:
- Aunt May refers to Peter's spider-sense as his "Peter tingle". This soon becomes a Running Gag.
- On the phone, Happy tells Peter he'll "take care of" May.
- Double-Meaning Title: Peter is far from home in both a literal and metaphorical sense. He's in Europe for the former meaning and five years in the future for the latter meaning. The same can be said for Mysterio, who says he's from Another Dimension. The same goes for Talos and Soren, who are posing as Fury and Hill after we last saw them warp-jump to a different galaxy entirely at the end of Captain Marvel, while Fury is on a Skrull spaceship for an unknown purpose.
- Dramatic Irony:
- The audience is treated to Mysterio's true colors right after Peter gives him the glasses. Peter himself figures it out only after he talks to MJ and accidentally switches on the hologram projector she picked up while he was fighting the Fire Elemental.
- As it turns out, Mysterio's plan to kill Nick Fury would have been All for Nothing, because even if he had succeeded, the real Nick would still be alive and in space.
Tropes E to M
- Eagleland: Ned when he tells Peter "Europeans love Americans". Peter seems quietly skeptical about this.
- Easily Forgiven: Flash righteously defends Spider-Man even though the latter commandeered his car to go after the Vulture in the previous movie.
- Easily Swayed Population: Gullibility of the ordinary people is discussed by the protagonist and the antagonist who is successfully pretending to be a hero:
Peter Parker: How could you do all of this?
Beck: You'll see, Peter. People... need to believe. And nowadays, they'll believe anything. - Eating the Eye Candy: When Peter changes into the S.H.I.E.L.D.-provided suit in front of MJ, she politely turns around but can't help sneaking a glance at him.
- Elemental Embodiment: The Elementals, with fire, wind, earth, and water being represented.
- Embarrassing Nickname:
- Aunt May coins the term "Peter Tingle" for Peter's spider-sense, much to Peter's dismay.
- Thanks to Ned's terrible skills at improvising nicknames, Peter's Black Stealth-Suit Persona in Europe is known as "Night Monkey." Peter goes with it because he has bigger priorities on his mind.
- Evil Is Petty: Mysterio and his crew are disgruntled former Stark employees who have been slighted by their employer. Mysterio, who was fired for being "unstable", was especially angry at Tony for naming his life's work "B.A.R.F." The team go on to plan out and cause mass destruction and Heroism Addict to get the recognition they claim to deserve.
- Evil Plan: Mysterio created the Elemental threat to stage an "Avengers-Level" catastrophe so he can become "the next Iron Man".
- Expressive Mask: Spider-Man's masks continue to get more expressive, with this film featuring his lenses closing completely when he closes his eyes to fight using only his Spider-Sense and opening very, very wide when he receives shocking news broadcast publicly on Madison Square Garden's exterior screen.
- Fake Shemp: During the scene where Mysterio toasts his team for their accomplishments, there's a brief flashback to Iron Man with Obadiah Stane screaming at William Ginter Riva. The movie adds a new shot showing Riva reacting to being told about what Tony Stark was able to build in a cave (with a box of scraps), and while Peter Billingsley was available, Jeff Bridges was not. So instead, there's a body double for Stane, and we only see the back of his head.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Mysterio's ultimate goal is to dishonor Iron Man's memory by taking his place as the next hero like him. He more or less succeeds by framing Spider-Man (who Iron Man mentored) for his crimes, even if it's not how he originally wanted it.
- Fanservice:
- We get a lovely shot of Peter shirtless while he's changing into his Spider-Man costume. MJ, who is present is asked to turn, but can't resist a sidelong glance to peek.
- There are a few scenes with May in tight jeans, with a couple "behind" shots.
- Faux Affably Evil: Even outside his stage persona, Beck seems nice, thanking all his minions individually and expressing regret at tricking Peter. But he is quick to threaten his minions for making a mistake, and doesn't hesitate to kill Peter and all his friends for discovering the truth.
- First Kiss: Peter and MJ have theirs on the Tower Bridge in London. Doubles as their Official Kiss, as the next time they're onscreen together they are a couple.
- First-Name Basis: Not only are the Football Hooligans in the Broek op Langedijk municipal jail very nice, they are on first-name basis with the police officer there, suggesting both that they're regular inmates and not particularly dangerous.
- Fish out of Water: Far From Home is the first Spider-Man film to not be primarily set in New York City. Homecoming toyed with the idea by putting him in Washington, D.C. for a bit, and his debut as Spider-Man was technically in Germany, but the majority of this movie takes place overseas.
- Five-Second Foreshadowing: Just after Peter hands over E.D.I.T.H. to Beck and prepares to leave to try and ask MJ out on a date, Beck says that he only has a 50% chance of succeeding because he's a "kinda awkward." This seems odd as Beck had been nothing but complimentary and encouraging to Peter beforehand, presumably for the purpose of buttering him up to hand over E.D.I.T.H. Now that Beck has what he wants, he starts to drop his facade of niceness. Sure enough, just after Peter leaves, Mysterio is revealed as Evil All Along.
- Football Hooligans: Peter encounters some Oranje (the Netherlands national team) supporters when he wakes up in a Broek op Langedijk jail cell after passing out from his train collision injuries. They are a subversion as they're all very polite, well-behaved, and friendly, even loaning Peter a kit to wear. One even closes the cell door after Peter breaks out.
- Forced to Watch: Peter watches MJ fall to her death from the Eiffel Tower as part of a series of nightmarish events while trapped in Mysterio's illusion.
- Foreshadowing:
- When Peter buys the necklace for MJ, Quentin Beck can briefly be seen out-of-costume in the crowd, hinting that he's been trailing Peter this whole time.
- Just before the water elemental attacks multiple groups of twin wakes can be seen in the water of the canal, being caused by Beck's submerged drones.
- When Peter meets Beck for the first time, he calls him Mysterio after the Italian news's description of him. Beck is bemused and prefers to be called by his real name. The next time Peter meets him again, Nick Fury is about to introduce Beck by his real name only to be interrupted by Beck himself, who insists on being called Mysterio. This is a sign that he is not as humble as he seems.
- Beck, in his introduction to Peter, explains that he's a superhero from another universe where the four elementals invaded and destroyed his world and killed his family, and he wants revenge. His cliché-ridden story, badass but trite quips, and the wooden way Jake Gyllenhaal delivers the good-guy dialogue foreshadow that Beck is lying about it all.
- The reveal that there's now a satellite carrying thousands of small, lethally-armed drones that can be deployed in an instant anywhere in the world, and that EDITH controls it all, means trouble similar to Project Insight.
- Beck says that the fire elemental can absorb surrounding metal through contact, but never gets into why it can or why what is supposedly an embodiment of natural order cares about refined earth. The answer being it doesn't — Beck just needed something to make it look like it could become a bigger threat while threatening to target a substance that is everywhere. Fury and Hill send each other looks of incredulity but don't question it openly.
- When fighting the fire elemental, Peter's web shooters are at one point blocked by something he can't see. It's a major sign that something more is going on. MJ picks up the web and the piece of metal it caught on, and she and Peter discover the device is part of an advanced drone with hologram projectors.
- Not a single person gets visibly burned by the fire elemental even when it grows large enough to fill the entire Prague square, even Beck when he flies straight into it. This is an early hint that while there is something physically present where the fire elemental supposedly is, it's not giving off any more than the normal amount of heat.
- Similarly, Beck's costume doesn't appear to be all that physically protective, nor is there any indication that he has super-durability, yet he takes just as much punishment as Spider-Man, if not more, when fighting the Elementals, even after he flies straight into the Fire Elemental. Because the Mysterio we see taking damage is just a projection, and the real Beck is never in the danger zone.
- While still in his "Night Monkey" guise, Peter Parker tries to ask a random woman for directions, only for the woman to freak out, yell "Night Monkey!" and flee in terror. This type of reaction doesn't really make sense because if she knows of the new moniker "Night Monkey" then that means she saw the news reports of "Night Monkey" helping Mysterio, and saving citizens at the carnival. It's the first tip-off that Peter just entered a hallucination/simulation by Mysterio.
- Watch very closely during Mysterio and Spider-Man's rooftop conversation, and you'll notice that although they're sitting very close together, Mysterio never actually makes physical contact with Spider-Man, and has to search slightly to make eye contact with Peter. That's because the "Flying Mysterio" we see is just an illusion.
- The fact that the Nick Fury who meets Spider-Man in Berlin is really Beck is foreshadowed by his reaction when the illusion of the phony Europol headquarters starts to fade and he acts completely shocked, despite being the one who drove the car there. He had to know beforehand he was in the wrong building.
- Peter telling MJ that "The news never lies" is a serious case of Tempting Fate that comes back to haunt him big time in the Mid-Credits sequence, wherein Jameson brands Spidey a murderer and terrorist courtesy of Mysterio's dying message video.
- There are several subtle tells throughout the movie that Fury and Hill are actually Talos and Soren.
- Hill calls Fury "Nick" in the first scene. Captain Marvel made it abundantly clear that nobody is on a first-name basis with Nick Fury.
- Fury tells Peter that Beck is from Earth, "just not yours" rather than "just not ours".
- Fury seems uncharacteristically willing to take the fact that Beck is from another Earth at face value. The reasons for this are twofold: one, Talos isn't the lifelong spymaster that Fury is, and so isn't quite as good at spotting a fake on sight. Two, Talos isn't quite as surprised at seeing someone who's not from this Earth, because, well, neither is he.
- When Peter says he's not up to the task of being an Avenger without Tony, Fury responds "Bitch, please! You've been to space!" No wonder "Fury" is so aware of the dangers of outer space... he's from outer space.
- The reverent way Fury refers to Captain Marvel, telling Peter not to "invoke her name," as if Peter hadn't earned the right to mention her. Nick may hold Carol in high esteem, but not that kind of high esteem.
- While always a cold person, Fury knows the difference between giving a person a kick in the ass to get them working and breaking someone down, which makes the fact that Fury gets pissed off at Parker raise a few flags. Tony had done far worse than endanger his friends, but Fury simply expressed his disappointment and got him back to work. It makes sense that Fury could lose his cool at Peter since he's actually Talos posing as Fury, so he was acting as he thought Fury would act and missed the mark.
- Fury is indignantly saying something to Hill about Kree sleeper cells when he's interrupted about the impending London attack. Fury would be very unlikely to concern himself with Kree sleeper cells, simply because there's unlikely to be any on Earth.
- The fact that Fury was fooled by Beck so easily is the biggest clue that it really wasn't him. As Beck himself points out, Fury is the most paranoid person on the planet. Although Beck is well aware of Fury's paranoid nature and is trying his damn hardest to fool him, coming up with a foolproof backstory and backing himself with an entire team to ensure his charade doesn't fall short, the fact that Fury never doubted Beck's story, not even once, and presumably never tried to do a background check on him (no matter how seemingly futile it would've been), is very unlike Fury, who would've only grown more distrustful and paranoid of unknown factors after The Winter Soldier. Talos, however, is familiar with the cosmic world thanks to being an alien, so he would be a lot more accepting of Beck's cover story at face value than the real Fury would.
- Before Mysterio dies, he tells Peter that people will believe anything, as proven by the countless citizens who were tricked by his illusions. At the end, Beck successfully fools everyone into thinking that Spider-Man was the culprit behind the attack..
- E.D.I.T.H.'s acronym is for "Even Dead, I'm The Hero". Thanks to his doctored footage, Beck manages to posthumously portray himself as a hero, with J. Jonah Jameson even referring to him as such, while simultaneously framing Peter for both his actions and his murder.
- For the Evulz: When Peter arrives in Germany, and is picked up by "Fury", Beck could have very easily extracted the information he needed about Peter's classmates and gotten rid of him right then and there, while Peter was unguarded and awkward. Instead, he goes through an elaborate deception that culminates in a series of reality-shattering illusions designed specifically to break Peter physically and mentally, all for Beck's enjoyment.
- Frame-Up: In The Stinger, Beck takes the opportunity to out Peter and frame him for his own death as a posthumous middle finger to the web-slinging wall-crawler.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus:
- As Peter packs his suitcase, the initials "BFP", a.k.a. "Benjamin Franklin Parker", can be seen on the cover, indicating that likely belonged to him prior to Peter.
- Among the in-flight movies on the airplane are The Snap, Finding Wakanda, Hunting HYDRA, and Nova: Einstein-Rosen Bridges with Dr. Erik Selvig.
- When Peter Parker buys the necklace for MJ, Quentin Beck can be seen in the background in a tourist's attire, implying that he and his crew have been tracking Peter the entire time.
- When "Night Monkey" is trying to save Ned and Betty, one can see that a random shot snagged the holo-projector. It breaks the frame momentarily when it is yanked off of the ferris wheel.
- When Peter walks away from the bar, he walks past a memorial of a chalk-drawing of Iron Man on a wall with lit candles underneath.
- A close-up of the Iron Man zombie shows the spiders crawling all over the suit and face are black widows.
- When using E.D.I.T.H. for the first time, Peter peeks at what his classmates are doing on their phones. Most of them are quick gags, but Flash is texting his mother about why he hasn't heard from her in days.
- During the climax in London when Guterman abandons the class on the London Bridge, he can be seen in the background wearing his hat while casually observing the class fleeing the London Bridge.
- Friend on the Force: The tie-in short shows Spider-Man to be on extremely good terms with the NYPD, a far cry from their usual relationship in the comics. It's cut entirely from the film proper, however, so as to make clear that Peter's repeated insistence that's he's a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is just an excuse to avoid shouldering responsibility.
- Fun with Acronyms:
- E.D.I.T.H. says her name stands for "Even Dead, I'm The Hero", prompting both her and Peter to laugh at Tony's love of acronyms.
- One part of Beck's Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal is his rage at his life's work being renamed B.A.R.F. by Tony back in Civil War.
- Fusion Dance: In London, an enormous elemental with traits of all four elementals previously fought appears, which Beck explains is a fusion that's drawing power from Earth's core. The ridiculous, Technobabble-laden story is finally what convinces Talos-as-Fury that Beck is a fraud.
- Gambit Roulette: Beck's plan involves anticipating how certain people will react in combat situations, and no shortage of luck. For instance Peter could easily have gotten killed from the "Elemental" attacks, or could have performed some form of attack that saw through the illusion (as he eventually does). This is why he is so furious at his team for not looking after tiny details like a missing projector.
- Geeky Turn-On: Knowing about MJ's fascination with the Black Dahlia murder, Peter locates a glass-shop in Venice and purchases a flower-shaped pendant made from black glass crystals as a gift for her. It wound up broken during the final confrontation with Beck, though she says she likes it better broken.
- Generic Doomsday Villain: The Elementals have no characterization beyond "big, destructive extra-dimensional monsters". Justified in that they aren't even real, and were only made up to make Mysterio look like a hero.
- Giant Novelty Check: Happy Hogan comes in late to a charity event holding a comically large check signed by Pepper Potts. It is from a Synchrony bank account.
- Gilligan Cut: When Peter takes MJ on a web-swing around the city, he tells her "You're gonna love it." Cut to her being absolutely terrified.
- Grand Romantic Gesture: Peter plans a six step plan culminating with him confessing his feelings to MJ on top of the Eiffel Tower. As expected with the Parker luck, it doesn't go to plan.
- Groin Attack: While taking some selfies, Flash gets punched in the groin by a passerby.
- Halfway Plot Switch: The first half deals with Spider-Man and Mysterio teaming up to stop the Elementals, while the second half reveals Mysterio is the true Big Bad and the Elementals were just illusions.
- Hand Wave: When Peter asks Fury and Hill about turning to a more qualified adult superhero to handle this problem, they just give quick, non-detailed answers that rule out Thor, Doctor Strange, and Captain Marvel. Justified in that Fury is actually Talos, and he has no way to call anyone more capable.
- Hard Truth Aesop: This movie takes a serious look at what "great responsibility" means. Peter tries to apply what Tony taught him about knowing when to let adults take charge of a dangerous situation, and it blows up in his face when Quentin Beck gets access to Edith and Fury is unapologetic about endangering his classmates. When Adults Are Useless is at play, true responsibility is stepping up to the plate to save lives no matter how many mistakes you make. You can hate it, but you can still do it.
- Hates Being Called Cute: Subverted in an exchange between Peter and MJ at the opera house:
Peter: You look real pretty.
MJ: And therefore I have value?
Peter: Uh, no, that's not-
MJ: I'm messing with you. [smiles] You look pretty, too. - Hate Sink: Brad Davis is Peter's romantic rival for MJ's attention during the trip. Brad starts out as a seemingly nice guy, who just happens to be there when the Parker bad luck kicks in. But we see that he sinks pretty low in his efforts to ensure he wins MJ's affection. Specifically, he catches Peter in a compromising position with an unknown woman and photographs it. Despite Peter attempting to explain that it's Not What It Looks Like, Brad tells Peter he's going to use the photo to deliberately derail Peter's shot with MJ. When he tries to reveal it to the class, everyone is disgusted with him, including Peter's other rival, Flash Thompson.
- Have You Told Anyone Else?: Variant; Fury needs to know who Peter told so that he can keep them safe. Except that's actually Mysterio getting a list of targets.
- Heroic BSoD: Peter is still shaken by Tony's Heroic Sacrifice, easily taking the vacation. He's hit even harder with this after Mysterio's treachery is revealed and he goes through the wringer both in Beck's illusions and in reality.
- Heroic Bystander: In the climax, Mr. Harrington shouts at the other chaperone for being useless and orders all the students to evacuate the London tour bus when he realizes the driver left and they're in danger. He manages to get most of the kids to safety, as the ones that Mysterio is targeting run in the other direction.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Played with. During the battle with the Fire Elemental, Mysterio declares he'll do "what I should've done" on his alternate Earth and flies directly into the monster, exploding it. He falls to the ground, Peter begs him to Please Wake Up... and Mysterio reveals that he survived. However, it turns out the whole thing was just an illusion with Mysterio deliberately manufacturing a cheesy "sacrifice" sequence to portray himself as the noble hero who would deserve the E.D.I.T.H. glasses.
- Heroism Addict: Mysterio's plan is to establish himself as a new superhero on par with the Avengers using staged attacks in major European cities. The Elementals are nothing but holograms and pyrotechnics generated by cloaked drones and projectors. Beck has no actual superpowers, and more often than not the Mysterio who appears onscreen is a holographic double.
- He's Back!: S.H.I.E.L.D. is operational once again after being dissolved back in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, although not nearly to the extent that it once was. This is building upon Age of Ultron when Fury was shown to be building a team up again with all the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. employees who weren't part of HYDRA. And they may be expanding to space operations with S.W.O.R.D. if The Stinger is any indication...
- Hey, Wait!: After landing in Venice, Peter's suitcase gets checked by Italian Customs. Upon opening the suitcase, Peter and the customs agent are greeted by his Spider-Suit, which Aunt May had packed. Peter desperately tries to explain it as a homemade costume... only for the customs agent to push the suit to the side to get to the other item Aunt May had packed: a banned piece of fruit.
- Hijacked by Ganon: The movie sets up the villains as being the Elementals, a quartet of obscure interdimensional beings from the comics that never even fought Spider-Man. But the real villain and the man behind them is Mysterio, one of Spider-Man's most enduring rogues.
- His Name Is...: Played with in the first stinger. The recording of Mysterio is cut just as he is about to tell the identity of Spider-Man, only to come back after a few seconds and finish his sentence, complete with a photograph of Peter.
- Hoist by His Own Petard:
- Brad spends most of the trip trying to woo MJ, even taking a photo of Peter in a compromising situation. By the end of the trip, Brad's attempt to point out how shady Peter is gets called out (by MJ, no less) due to Peter not being there to defend himself and the rest of the class think he's a pervert who takes photos of people in bathrooms.
- At the climax, Mysterio panics as he sees Peter using his Spider-Sense to dodge attacks from his armed drones, and orders All of Them to attack, even as E.D.I.T.H. warns that Beck himself risks getting harmed by their crossfire. Sure enough, Peter knocks several drones back at Beck, and Beck ends up catching his own bullets in the abdomen.
- Honorary Uncle: Happy has come to love Peter as a Nephew, partially out of obligation to a friend-and-brother who loved him like a son, but moreso because he sees in the boy the same noble heart that Tony once had. Happy's face practically glowed with love and pride as he watched Peter design his new red & black costume in a manner uncannily similar to how Tony designed his Mark III armor, symbolically inheriting the legacy of Stark's heroic soul. And if everything goes well with Aunt May, Happy could very well become Peter's official uncle one day as well.
- Hypocritical Humor: Just after Flash tells his classmates that his idol Spider-Man has inspired him to be a better person, he greets Peter with, "What's up, dickwad?"
- I Did What I Had to Do: Beck's justification for creating the illusions that the Elementals were wreaking havoc, then his fighting them off as Mysterio. Beck is angered that a younger, inexperienced superhero whose human alter-ego has yet to reach adulthood is starting to gain the world's confidence, and is convinced the world needs Mysterio, someone who has had experience and has in his view moral authority and wisdom, rather than some foolish teen-ager.
- If I Do Not Return: Peter gives Happy the black dahlia necklace to give to MJ in case something happens to him.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Peter really wants to just enjoy his vacation and not do superheroics for a little while, leading to him snubbing Nick Fury. Unfortunately for him, Fury has other plans.
- I'm Not Doing That Again: Michelle's reaction after Spider-Man takes her on a swing.
- In Memoriam: In-Universe, the first scene at Midtown High is the school's TV is airing a tribute to the fallen Avengers.
- Informed Attribute: According to Ned, Brad Davis is the most charming guy in school with many admirers. Yet in the movie, he's mainly a Hopeless Suitor to MJ specifically, who simply isn't interested. His charm is a facade, and he goes out of his way to try and humiliate Peter to win MJ's affections. By the end of the story, he's made himself into The Friend Nobody Likes when his latest attempt to show Peter in a bad light backfires and the class is weirded out by the fact that Brad was taking photos of half-naked people in bathrooms.
- Internal Reveal:
- Peter finds out that Beck is a fraud about ten minutes after the audience does.
- In the mid-credits scene, Mysterio reveals to the whole world in a posthumous recording that Spider-Man is Peter Parker.
- Insistent Terminology:
- An indignant Happy Hogan corrects Flash that he works with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man.
- Ned makes a point to tell Happy that what he just called a "spear" is actually a halberd.
- Instant Cosplay Surprise: Mysterio puts Spidey in his classic red and blue suit and his original homemade suit while bombarding him with illusions, seemingly for no reason other than to freak Peter out with how completely he can control Peter's perception of reality.
- Instant Sedation: The dart Fury shoots Ned with knocks him out before he even hits the ground.
- Interrupted Declaration of Love: MJ and Peter meet outside in Prague, with neither able to profess their feelings for each other. When MJ is about to explain that she's been observing Peter because she likes him, they're interrupted by the piece of drone tech that MJ salvaged and showed him earlier.
- Irony: The shape-shifting, masters of deception Skrulls fall for Mysterio's illusions. This is lampshaded in the post-credits scene by Talos, who remarks that as a shapeshifter, he's embarrassed and should've known better.
- It's Probably Nothing: The accomplices of the Big Bad don't get alarmed about the occasional inconsistencies they encounter while implementing their plan. Such as when one illusion drone returns with a missing projector and distorts the image, or when several drones are detected to be out of alignment because of Peter hopping on them. However, the Big Bad does not overlook the inconsistencies and demands an investigation of each one, discovering Peter's interference in the process.
- Just Train Wrong: The film implies Spider-Man is hit by a bullet train in Berlin but survives and crawls inside before passing out. He awakens in the small Dutch town of Broek op Langedijk. In 2019 not all of the infrastructure for bullet trains exist yet, and while there is partial bullet train service that goes from Berlin to Amsterdam. There are no bullet trains train services that connect Berlin to that small of a town. Additionally, a train while going through Berlin would not be doing so at the speed shown in the film.
- Kidnapped by the Call: After Peter refuses to answer Fury's phone calls, he travels all the way to Europe, tranquilizes Ned, and puts him on-course to deal with the latest threat.
- Kid with the Leash: Tony Stark left Peter a pair of glasses that gives him complete and sole control of a network of orbital battle-satellites capable of deploying vast swarms of combat drones anywhere on the Earth in a matter of minutes.
- Land of Tulips and Windmills: Somehow despite being on a bullet train from Berlin, Peter winds up in a municipal cell in the small Dutch town Broek op Langedijk. When he goes outside, he's in a farmer's market people dressed in rural clothing and wandering pigs. In the next scene he's in a big field of tulips with a windmill nearby.
- Late-Arrival Spoiler:
- For Avengers: Endgame, even the first trailer virtually spoiled that Peter Parker came back to life after being disintegrated in Infinity War. Unusual in that due to the films being released so close to each other, this trope was inevitable even before either film was released. However, more importantly, a major factor of the film is with the world dealing with the the fallout of Tony's death at the end of Endgame and Peter trying to come to grips with it. As the second trailer outright starts with that plot point, it was prefaced with a message from Tom Holland, warning any viewers who hadn't seen Endgame to proceed at their own risk.
- The post-credits scene also serves as one for Captain Marvel (2019), showing that not only are there Skrulls on Earth, but they're good guys this time and working with Nick Fury.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
- During Betty and Jason's video at the start of the film, Jason wonders openly and sardonically what is going on with the Avengers and if they are even a thing any more, referencing the as-yet unannounced future of the MCU and whether there will be any actual Avengers films. Before that, Betty comments on how now is the time to "move on to a new Phase of our lives".
- Everything about Mysterio leans very hard on Marvel Studios' film-making process:
- His entire gimmick or "premise" is having a CGI hero battling CGI monsters which is a major draw of MCU's movies.
- He spends most of the time in a mo-cap suit not all that different from the ones MCU actors actually have to wear.
- He invokes Marquee Alter Ego frequently, especially when he needs to really act and charm his audience. The MCU is the current trope picture.
- He thanks his writer for taking an outlandish idea and making it believable and plausible. Translating bizarre comic characters to live-action accurately has always been one of the most applauded aspect of MCU's movies.
- He has a special "quip guy" who feed him badass one-liners and dramatic responses. During the final battle, the guy feeds him some lazy Techno Babble for an unimpressed Nick Fury.
- The majority of his success comes from impressive special effects. The MCU frequently broke new ground in this field.
- Quentin is something of a perfectionist who will demand last-minute re-shoot when he feels his movie lacks impact. This relates to Marvel Studios's impressive quality control and actual re-shoots.
- Right before Peter takes MJ on a swing around the city, there's a construction zone in front of Grand Central Station that has a sign on the front reading "We're excited to show you what's next", above a four-phase roadmap. Phases 1, 2, and 3 are complete, with Phase 4 being a question mark; this film marks the end of not only the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 3, but the Infinity Stones Saga that ran through the first three. Amusingly, this sign was not a prop — the sign was there as part of some actual construction going on.
- An alternate view of the above could also be that the 1, 2, 3 and ? with "We're excited to show you what's next" might refer to the Fantastic Four, whose upcoming MCU adaptation will be helmed by none other than Far From Home's director Jon Watts.
- Happy's heart-to-heart speech to Peter has an added layer of poignancy to it since his actor, Jon Favreau, directed the original Iron Man. He's seeing the best aspects of Tony Stark reflected in a younger successor, while also acknowledging that Stark himself is irreplaceable.
- The second Stinger, where Talos calls the real Nick Fury to say he can't keep up this charade because people keep asking him where the Avengers are and he can't answer that sounds a lot like MCU actors redirecting questions about where the franchise is going next to Kevin Feige.
- Liar Revealed: Nick Fury realizes that the Trust Password Happy used is absolutely correct when Beck starts spouting irrelevant information in his Large Ham speech about the Elementals, repeating his earlier comments about taking energy from the Earth's core.
Fury: Now that's just a load of bullshit.
- Like an Old Married Couple: Hill snarks at Fury and protects him in an almost romantic way. Of course, it turns out that it was actually Talos and his wife Soren the entire time, filling in for Fury and Hill to give them a vacation, so they actually are an old married couple.
- Living Prop: All students on the class trip besides Peter, Ned, MJ, Betty, Flash, and Brad qualify, with nearly no lines or distinct personalities. They aren't even named except when listed in the credits. Building on this, unlike the above-mentioned six, they are all Canon Foreigners; there are no characters named "Zoha", "Zack", "Josh", "Sebastian", "Tyler", or "Yasmin" in comic-book Peter Parker's high-school life.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Continuing from the last movie, Far From Home has a lot of characters. Not only do the majority of the previous cast return from Homecoming but we got a bunch of newcomers like Mysterio, as well as characters like Nick Fury and Maria Hill backing Spidey this time around.
- Logging On To The Fourth Wall: The post-credits scene features TheDailyBugle.net, complete with J. K. Simmons playing J. Jonas Jameson. Currently Sony has a website set up at that address reflecting the type of stories expected of "Info Wars"-style reporting dealing with the Blip, Spider-Man, Mysterio and the Elementals.
- Logo Joke: The Columbia Pictures logo match cuts to a statue in Mexico. The Marvel Studios intro meanwhile reuses the variant seen in Homecoming (with footage of Spider-Man from Captain America: Civil War replacing Hulk in the clip montage), but with Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" playing over the logo instead of the 60s cartoon theme.
- Look Behind You: When Peter has to jump out of the bus's sunroof to take out the drone, he points and yells, "Look at the baby mountain goats!" Everyone on the bus (except MJ) looks out the windows.
- Love Triangle: One emerges between Peter, MJ, and Brad, who was a little kid previously but is now the same age as the others owing to not dying in the Snap.
- Mad Artist: Quentin Beck treats his mass murder spree and "heroics" like a temperamental movie director/star bent on making the perfect action set piece.
- The Maiden Name Debate: A giant novelty check from Stark Industries is signed by Pepper Potts meaning that she didn't take on her husband's name. Justified in that Pepper is a powerful business figure and CEO and she likely kept her name to maintain her professional reputation.
- Make It Look Like an Accident: The Big Bad intends to kill MJ, Ned and Betty by making sure the bus with the school trip party is parked right in the epicenter of the next Elemental attack.
- Male Gaze: While Happy talking to Peter over the phone while Aunt May is in front of Happy, he and the camera can't keep from checking out her butt. Happy has experience in this area.
- Manipulative Editing: The mid-credits scene features Spider-Man being framed for Mysterio's murder and the entire attack on London thanks to doctored video footage which presents Peter as the villain murdering Beck and ordering the drone strike on London by dubbing in an alternate E.D.I.T.H. voice to shift the context of his phrase "Execute them all!".
- Marquee Alter Ego: Aside from Spidey himself, Mysterio gets this treatment, as he addresses Peter without his iconic fish bowl helmet. Mysterio does, however, wear the helmet when facing the Elementals. The trailer shows this, as we see plenty of his face but his helmet is barely visible in just one shot.
- Meaningful Background Event: Quentin Beck and one of his team can be seen among the crowd in Venice before the Water Elemental attacks.
- Meaningful Echo: In Peter's first scene, he explains to Ned his planned Grand Romantic Gesture for MJ, noting that he's going to buy her a black dahlia necklace, "like the murder
". After MJ and Peter emotionally connect in London, she takes note of the necklace's design, and in unison, they say it's "like the murder". Simultaneously showing that MJ knew exactly why Peter bought if for her and proving that Peter correctly picked her the perfect gift.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard:
- In the movie Peter is mourning the loss of his mentor Tony Stark, who sacrificed himself to save the universe at the end of Endgame.
- Mysterio is also a mentor figure, being an older, more experienced superhero who supports and encourages Peter and sacrifices himself to destroy the fire elemental. Subverted, as seconds later he turns out to be alive, and some more time later, he turns out to be a sociopathic Fake Ultimate Hero.
- Mind Rape: The first battle between Mysterio and Spidey basically boils down to Quentin using a building prepped with hologram technology to subject Peter to his worst nightmares, with great success.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Peter gets battered late in the film and passes out, his "Night Monkey" outfit gets both damaged and taken away when taken in by the police. To regroup for the climax he uses a mobile work station Tony would use to develop his armors to create his own customized Spider-Man suit. It may not technically be the most advanced suit he wears, as he is separated from both the Stark designed "classic" suit and the nanotech Iron Spider suit (both with an AI), but this was a suit he personally designed and customized for the final battle himself. He is shown preferring this design in the epilogue.
- Mistaken for Cheating: Invoked — the Adaptational Attractiveness on Aunt May was such when she blipped back, the family now living in her apartment assumed she was a mistress.
- Mistaken for Prostitute: According to MJ, one of their classmates is convinced Peter's constant absences and odd behavior are because he is a male prostitute.
- Monster Protection Racket: The elementals are all an elaborate fabrication by Mysterio using drones equipped with weapons and advanced hologram systems so he can paint himself as the hero stopping them.
- Monumental Damage: After defacing the Washington Monument, Spider-Man continues what appears to be a series tradition. Peter first meets Mysterio in a fight that wrecks the Rialto Bridge in Venice, and the climactic battle causes damage to the Tower Bridge of London.
- Mood Whiplash:
- The Cold Opening has Fury and Hill investigating an anomaly in Mexico, the earth elemental attacking, and Mysterio appearing to save the day. You'd expect a badass action scene to follow to introduce him... only for the scene to cut to black. It quickly goes to the Marvel Studios logo and credits, transitioning into a Stylistic Suck invokedIn Memoriam music video for the fallen Avengers made by the Midtown high-schoolers. Complete with Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" playing in the background in place of the logo fanfare.
- The film itself ends on a triumphant note: with Spidey swinging around New York City with MJ in his arms. First, the exultant tone is subverted when it turns out that MJ found the experience more terrifying than romantic. Then the mid-credits scene picks up just after that and reveals that Mysterio has recorded an edited video and sends it to J. Jonah Jameson at The Daily Bugle, implicating Spider-Man for the London attack and his "murder", and outing Spidey's true identity as Peter Parker for the rest of the world to know, effectively pulling a Sudden Downer Ending to the film.
- After a shocking mid-credits scene (where Peter Parker is exposed as Spider-Man), the post-credits scene (where it turns out that Talos and Soren have been impersonating Nick Fury and Maria Hill with their permission) is surprisingly lighthearted.
- Motive Rant: Beck's belief that Peter Parker is unfit to be the world's next great superhero simply because he's a foolish, gullible teenager who has yet to gain what Beck believes he has. Parker (as Spider-Man) flat out tells him he's wrong.
- Movie Superheroes Wear Black: Spidey wears an all-black, stealth costume provided by S.H.I.E.L.D. during most of his time in Europe and he ends up designing a new "classic" costume that is red and black, akin to the original Lee/Ditko design.
- The Multiverse: This is the first MCU movie to use the concept since it was first introduced back in Doctor Strange. Fury tells Peter that the Snap opened up the dimensions and that Beck is from another dimension's earth. While Beck's story turns out to be a fabrication, this movie establishes that S.H.I.E.L.D. is aware of the multiverse.
- Multitasked Conversation: Happy calls Nick Fury to deliver a coded message in case the Big Bad was listening in, saying, "Over at Mr. Stark's, going through his belongings, apparently there was a surfboard that you left behind. People over there said they didn't think that Nick Fury was a surfer. I said, 'Appearances can be deceiving.'" Later Fury lampshades the poor way Happy coded the message saying "I'm surprised you didn't just wink at the camera".
- Mythology Gag: Has its own page.
Tropes N to Z
- Never Found the Body: Suffice to say, the Big Bad substantially underestimates just how much damage it takes to kill Spider-Man and doesn't bother to check for a body either of the times they think they've killed him.
- Never My Fault:
- Any time Mr. Harrington's endeavours wind up leading the kids into either danger or a lame activity, Mr. Dell is quick to say "Don't look at me!"
- Mysterio blames one of his minions for making him kill Peter by letting him find one of the drones. And then Mysterio blames Peter for making him kill all his friends by telling them the truth.
- Never Trust a Trailer: At the start of the movie, Spider-Man participates in a charity event hosted by May. In the first trailer, he's wearing the red and blue suit Tony gave him in Captain America: Civil War. In the movie, he's wearing the Iron Spider suit during those scenes.
- Newscaster Cameo: In the mid-credits stinger, the "breaking news" coming from TheDailyBugle.net is delivered by Pat Kiernan, who's familiar with both MCU cameos (having already shown up in The Avengers, Iron Man 3 and Doctor Strange, as well as the TV series Daredevil, The Defenders and The Punisher) and Spider-Man movies (The Amazing Spider-Man 2).
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the second stinger, Talos admits to Soren and Fury that he messed up; by believing Beck's story wholesale and pushing Spider-Man, a child, into making such heavy decisions during a crisis while posing as Nick, the whole movie happened and thousands of lives were endangered. Soren tells him they need to call back Fury for damage control.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: J. Jonah Jameson is directly modeled (in the unflattering sense) after infamous fearmonger and fake news merchant Alex Jones, and The Daily Bugle logo and font is about as close to the InfoWars
logo as one can legally get without being sued.
- "No Peeking!" Request: When Peter has to go to Berlin to tell Nick Fury about Mysterio, he starts to change into his suit while MJ is still in the room, only taking note of the situation when he's already Shirtless. Embarrassed, he awkwardly looks at her until she catches his meaning and turns around respectfully but Michelle then sneakily looks over her shoulder after a while.
- Not Actually the Ultimate Question:
Happy: Your friends are in trouble. You're all alone. The tech is missing. What are you going to do about it?
Peter: I'm going to kick his ass.
Happy: No, I mean, right now. Like, specifically, what are we going to do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes. - Not What It Looks Like: Brad catches Peter quite literally with his pants down in a room with a gorgeous blonde woman, leading Peter to insist this. Given she was an agent giving him his new stealth suit to try on, one wonders how Peter intended to explain it, but Brad never gives him a chance. Subverted that although Brad is telling the truth about what he thinks he saw, Mr. Harrington quickly admonishes him by saying that even if he wasn't lying, it's much less creepy for Peter to be doing what teenagers do in their free time than it is for Brad to be spying on him and then trying to gossip about it to a teacher.
- Oddball in the Series: This is sole entry in the entirety of The Infinity Saga to not feature an appearance from Stan Lee, who passed away the year that production wrapped. Lee was alive during principal photography, but a cameo was not filmed due to his declining health.
- Official Couple: One of the central themes of the film, actually. To note:
- Pete and MJ seal the deal.
- Hilariously subverted with Ned and Betty, who shack up and then break up over the course of the film, both events coming out of nowhere.
- May and Happy are something. Their respective opinions differ on what that is.
- And finally, the post-credits scene reveal this to be the case with Fury and Hill... Or rather, the Skrulls Talos and Soren — who are a married couple — masquerading as them.
- Older Than They Look: The students returning from Homecoming (specifically Peter, Ned, Flash, Michelle, Betty, and Jason) are this on a technicality. They return here after Endgame and attend high school in 2023-2024, because they are biologically 16 years old after being unsnapped even though they are chronologically in their early twenties. Flash manages to get alcohol on the plane before MJ informs the stewardess that he was blipped and thus actually still underage.
- Old Media Are Evil
- The movie begins with the student news show from the last movie reporting on the events of Avengers: Endgame with a poorly-done YouTube tribute to the dead Avengers, which happens to include an Avenger who didn't actually die in Endgame. The whole thing is shoddy and unprofessional, setting a tone throughout the movie.
- Throughout the movie, we hear snippets of news reports covering Spider-Man's adventures through Europe and they're pretty much all wrong. Since he's wearing a new suit, they think he's a new superhero called "the Night Monkey", and what's worse, it seems pretty much everyone in Europe believes the news report.
Peter: That's what it said on the news, and the news never lies.
- In the mid-credits scene, yet another faulty news report throws a wrench in Spider-Man's life just as everything seems to have fallen into place. The news media takes the shaky reporting of the Daily Bugle.net at its word and accuses Spider-Man of murder while revealing his secret identity to the world.
- Once per Episode:
- As in the previous film, Jason goes off-script during a live broadcast of the school news show, much to Betty's annoyance and embarrassment.
- Like in Homecoming, the Mid-Credits scene ends with a Curse Cut Short, although the context is far more serious here.
- A song by The Ramones is featured here as well, befitting of a famous band from Queens that actually covered the Spider-Man theme song before. This time, it's "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend".
- One-Man Army: Spider-Man himself in the climax, as he single-handedly takes on dozens upon dozens of high-end combat drones.
- The Password Is Always "Swordfish": Happy has "password" as his phone's password. Peter is quick to point out that Happy is the Head of Security for Stark Industries, and Happy admits he doesn't feel good about it either.
- Pet the Dog: While Flash is always a Jerkass to Peter, at one point he snatches away the EDITH glasses and tries to give a genuine compliment to Peter. However, Peter accidentally knocks him out and apologizes to him immediately. Later, he tells off Brad for creepily photographing Peter in the bathroom; not even Flash would do such a thing.
- Phoneaholic Teenager: Flash has a running gag where he's constantly on his phone, live-streaming to his followers, whom he calls invoked "the Flash-mob". In the climax, fearing that he's about to die, Flash admits that he makes these videos out of insecurity and so people will pay attention to him, as it's implied his parents are neglectful. Happy tells him the videos saved his life since he was able to find them.
- Plane Awful Flight: Peter and his class fly to Europe. Peter has a miserable time — not only is MJ sitting with his romantic rival and Ned with Betty, both having a great time, he's stuck with his annoying teacher, who only ends up sleeping on Peter's shoulder.
- Police Are Useless: Played for Laughs. When Spider-Man in his Night Monkey garb is hit by a train and climbs aboard before falling unconscious, the Dutch cops take him to a holding cell rather than a hospital after unmasking him. Peter easily escapes, and the other prisoners decide to cover for him as he vanishes into the streets.
- Poor Communication Kills: E.D.I.T.H. comes with a rather short and cryptic note from Tony Stark. Peter would been less likely to give up the glasses had Tony left some kind of helpful video message explaining his intention in leaving E.D.I.T.H. to Peter.
- Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure: When "Back in Black" by AC/DC plays, Peter says "I love Led Zeppelin!"
- Posthumous Character: Despite his death in Endgame, Tony Stark remains a major force in the film. Those close to him like Peter and Happy are still in mourning, and there are memorials for him (and his Iron Man persona) all over the world. Tony's legacy is also a major story thread; Peter is reluctant to take up the mantle of Iron Man, and Quentin Beck is actually an embittered ex-employee of Stark Industries who wants to upstage Tony at the superhero game, even using repurposed Stark tech to do it as a screw you to his old boss.
- Pragmatic Adaptation: With print media having long since given way to the Internet, The Daily Bugle is now an InfoWars-esque website with J. Jonah Jameson as a Pompous Political Pundit the likes of Alex Jones.
- Precision F-Strike: Of the Curse Cut Short variety. Peter has just learned that he's been framed for the attack on London and Mysterio's murder as well has having his secret identity made public. His understandable response is "What the F..."
- Product Placement:
- The Giant Novelty Check that Happy brings out at the charity event is from a Synchrony bank.
- The heroes fly on United Airlines to and from Europe. Near the end of the film, camera time is given to a blue wall with a big United logo.
- Protagonist-Centered Morality: When HYDRA deploys a flying superweapon with the ability to invade individual privacy on a global scale and execute anyone on Earth at any time with no appeal or oversight in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, they must be stopped because they are fascist monsters. When Tony Stark does the exact same thing, he posthumously proclaims himself a hero for it, and no-one contradicts him.
- Psychopathic Manchild: While Beck comes across as a sage and mature hero that could very well be the next Iron Man, when he takes off the metaphorical mask he is shown to be quite immature, often shouting and screaming when things don't go his way. Even his backstory just illustrates how petty he is; his hologram tech was given a silly name by Tony ("B.A.R.F.") and he was fired due to his already apparent mental-instability, so he decides to stage various monster attacks that he could look like a hero, not caring how many innocent civilians die in the process.
- Rapid-Fire Interrupting: In the hotel room, Nick Fury attempts to explain to Peter what is going on with the Elementals, but he keeps getting interrupted by a series of people out in the hallway.
Fury: Another person touches that door, you and I are going to attend another funeral.
- Recurring Camera Shot: A shot of Peter and MJ's hands as they walk together, first as they are awkwardly trying to avoid coming into contact, and then later after they become a couple as they actually start holding hands.
- Reed Richards Is Useless: It's a little perplexing in a world where The Avengers and Tony Stark have aircraft that can fly across the world in a short time that the majority of the population is still using boring old jet aircraft which still take hours to cross the Atlantic, as the class uses to get both to and from Europe.
- Refusal of the Call: Literally, as Peter sends Nick Fury's call to voicemail, much to Happy's shock.
- Reimagining the Artifact:
- Mysterio is a villain who was widely thought to be a little too cheesy and gimmicky to be in the MCU, known for making comic book concepts believable, especially with his trademark Fishbowl Helmet. Impressively, they managed to pull it off, albeit by making changes to the core concept. Instead of being a failed actor, he's a former employee of Stark Industries who designed the cutting-edge B.A.R.F. device before being fired. His illusions come from advanced technology rather than being homemade by Beck himself, and Mysterio is reimagined as a Collective Identity as opposed to a lone individual. Even the costume, which is maintained faithfully to the source (fishbowl helmet and all), is lampshaded as being ridiculous. Finally, he becomes a greater threat than the source by hijacking Stark technology through E.D.I.T.H., which itself came about because this version is a lot more charismatic than the comics one.
- The Daily Bugle is a highly controversial news-site (à la InfoWars) rather than a newspaper.
- Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Played with. The opening high-school news report is dedicated to the memories of Iron Man, Black Widow, Vision, and Captain America, who were reported to have died during the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. While the audience knows that Steve Rogers/Captain America survived, his decision to live an alternate life with Peggy Carter means that, for all intents and purposes, Captain America is dead to the post-blip population.
- Revisiting the Roots: One of the tenets behind the production of Homecoming was that the film would deliberately try to avoid cramming things the audience had already seen in the previous 5 Spidey films down their throats (i.e. no shots of Pete swinging through the skyscrapers of Downtown NYC, no gratuitous cameos, etc.). Come the final sequence, Peter is swinging through Downtown NYC with MJ in tow, and who else shows up in The Stinger but J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson!
- Rewatch Bonus:
- Watching the movie again after The Reveal that Nick Fury and Maria Hill are actually Talos and Soren, will show many subtle clues that they aren't who they seem.
- You can spot Mysterio and his crew following Peter before the attack on Venice.
- Pay attention to the scene where Peter is on the roof after being chewed out by Fury and Mysterio comes to console him. Peter's Spider-Sense causes him to look to his right where the real Beck is sitting moments before the Mysterio hologram appears in front of him.
- Pay attention to interactions between the Big Bad and his crew and it becomes apparent that they never never address him as "Quentin Beck".
- When Peter and MJ are exiting the lobby to go have their talk on the bridge, if you look closely, you'll notice Brad in the background, working on his laptop, watching them leave together.
- Rule of Cool: Beck invokes this trope with his illusions. At one point during a rehearsal, he tells Riva to double the destruction caused with the drones to increase the spectacle.
- Rule of Three: Peter and MJ have two slightly awkward kisses that are realistic for two inexperienced teenagers, followed by a third Big Damn Kiss complete with swelling music.
- Running Gag:
- Mr. Dell's belief that the Elementals are the work of witches.
- This is the third film where Peter's suit deploys a built-in parachute. This time he does it deliberately.
- Peter's fondness for science-geek T-shirts is still on display here. Notably "Find X" and "If You Believe in Telekinesis, Raise My Hand."
- Running Gagged: This is the first MCU film after Stan Lee's passing to not feature an in-person cameo or even allude to his character. Instead, the credits do provide a memoriam to him and Steve Ditko, the co-creators of the Spider-Man IP.
- Safe Driving Aesop: Played for Laughs at the end of the film; Peter, back in New York, is web-swinging his way to a date with MJ, and his control over his Spider-Sense is such that he's taking selfies and texting her the whole time. MJ promptly texts him back with "Don't text and swing", and Peter almost gets hit by a car. He puts the phone away until he gets there.
- "Scooby-Doo" Hoax: The Elementals are actually holograms that Mysterio is using to make himself look like a hero. However, the death and destruction that they leave in their wake is very much real.
- Second Super-Identity: Peter discusses this trope, pointing out that if his classmates see Spider-Man in Europe, they could easily put together that he and Spider-Man are the same person. Fury and Hill work around this by giving Peter a new stealth suit so he won't be recognized. Peter never intended for his Black Stealth-Suit to have its own identity, but thanks to an improvising Ned, the suit becomes known as "Night Monkey".
- Secret-Keeper:
- Despite her initial shock after seeing Peter in the Spider-Man suit for the first time at the end of Homecoming, May is supportive of Peter's career as Spider-Man, even packing his suit into his briefcase after he leaves it behind.
- MJ has figured out Peter's secret between the last film and this one. Peter is flabbergasted while she says it was "kind of obvious." Later played for laughs when it turns out that she was, by her own admission, only 67% sure that Peter was Spider-Man, and she's genuinely shocked when he tells her. Ned continues to be a secret keeper and comments a couple of times to MJ about being "friends of Spider-Man".
- Self-Restraint: When Peter breaks out of the jail cell, the Football Hooligans with him politely stay inside and close the door instead of leaving.
- Self-Serving Memory: Done very subtly with the Big Bad's Motive Rant; in their narrated BARF flashback, the audience is shown prominently laughing after Tony's quip about the name when actually no-one even chuckled.
- Sequel Goes Foreign: The first film was at home in New York (and the District of Columbia); now he's out in Europe, with his travels taking him to locales like the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. There's also a prologue in Mexico with Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Mysterio.
- Sequel Hook:
- Ends on a doozy with Spider-Man being branded a criminal, framed for apparently "killing" Mysterio, and having his identity revealed to the world. The best that could be hoped for is that with the already questionable reputation of The Daily Bugle, only a handful of potential enemies would genuinely believe in what was presented. The worst case would potentially endanger his friends, family and make Peter Parker a Hero with Bad Publicity or worse.
- We also can tell that someone bought Stark Tower after it was sold, but while teased with Spidey swinging around it at the end, the identity is still kept a mystery by way of obscuring the logo.
- At the same time, we find out that the Nick Fury and Maria Hill we followed in the film are Talos and Soren while the real Fury is on a Skrull ship somewhere.
- Series Continuity Error: Mysterio says that the dimension the MCU is set in is Earth-616, but the MCU's designation in official Marvel databooks is Earth-199999. This ends up being a subversion that doubles as an early hint that Mysterio is lying about the Multiverse. It also acts as a hint to Mysterio's true intent, as earth 616 is the main Marvel universe, in which Mysterio is a villain.
- Serious Business: When Peter asks Nick Fury about turning to Captain Marvel for help with the Elementals, Fury dramatically admonishes him, saying, "Don't invoke her name." This foreshadows that "Fury" is actually Talos, as Carol is something of a culture hero to the Skrulls after she saved them from a genocide.
- Ship Tease:
- Between Happy Hogan and May Parker. Peter's more bewildered than anything.
- And of course, Peter is openly crushing on MJ as he admits to Ned in their first scene.
- Shipper on Deck:
- Ned and Betty appear to ship Peter and MJ as Ned knows that Peter in love with MJ and he and Betty are happy that Peter "finally got the girl".
- Although it is a shock to Peter at first, he quickly supports Ned's relationship with Betty and suggests at the end that they go on a double date with him and MJ. Peter is then disappointed to hear that Ned and Betty broke up.
- Shirtless Scene: Peter is briefly seen shirtless as he changes to his black S.H.I.E.L.D.-provided suit while MJ is standing nearby. She gets a "No Peeking!" Request and turns around but can't resist glancing at him. MJ is then left speechless and has a dreamy look on her face when Peter exits the window and clearly can't stop thinking about him shirtless until Ned speaks to her.
- Shout-Out:
- True crime is a personal fascination of MJ's; her favorite flower is a black dahlia because of the infamous murder
with the same name.
- Nick Fury quotes William Shakespeare, and specifically Henry IV. He later jokes that Peter wouldn't get it because it isn't a Star Wars reference.
Nick Fury: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
- MJ quotes George Orwell:
MJ: The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world.
- The merged Elementals that attack London are likened by Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell to be something out of Power Rangers or Voltron.
- The mid-credits scene shows J. Jonah Jameson (played by none-other than J. K. Simmons) hosting TheDailyBugle.net in manner that calls to mind Alex Jones and InfoWars. In addition, the track that plays during this scene is called "And Now This..."
- True crime is a personal fascination of MJ's; her favorite flower is a black dahlia because of the infamous murder
- "Shut Up" Kiss: MJ kisses Peter just as he starts to ramble-apologize for the broken black dahlia necklace and his plan to tell her about his feelings for her. After a moment of shock, and an affirmation that their feelings are mutual, Peter kisses her back.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: Ned and Betty act lovey-dovey with each other for the duration of their trip. They wear matching clothes, have sweet nicknames for each other, and hang out together often. Aboard the bus to Prague, Peter sees (via E.D.I.T.H.) that they're on the same seat of the bus and texting "Miss you" to each other.
- So Proud of You:
- Happy Hogan assures Peter that Tony Stark felt this way about him:
Happy: You're not Iron Man. You're never going to be Iron Man. Nobody could live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony was my best friend, and he was a mess. He second-guessed everything he did. He was all over the place. The one thing that he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know that you were going to be here after he was gone.
- Later, as Peter uses Stark's tech to fashion a new Spider-Man suit, Happy looks fondly at him for a second, clearly seeing Tony's best qualities in him.
- Happy Hogan assures Peter that Tony Stark felt this way about him:
- Source Music: Happy puts on "Back in Black" by AC/DC en route to London.
- South of the Border: While the three Elemental attacks in Europe take place in major cities, the first such instance levels the made-up, stereotypical colonial village of "Ixtenco" in Mexico note which is possibly based on a real small native community, San Juan Ixtenco, as opposed to any major metropolitan area.
- Statuesque Stunner: The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent sent to deliver the stealth suit to Peter is a gorgeous blonde almost one head taller than him.
- Stealth Pun:
- Audio-visual pun when Peter is making a new suit on the Stark Jet. When Happy plays AC/DC's "Back in Black", Peter is still wearing his all-black stealth suit.
- Meta pun. The scene in the Netherlands is in Broek op Langedijk, a hamlet in North Holland. Tom Holland is in Holland.
- The Stinger: Two in this film:
- In the mid-credits scene, J. Jonah Jameson broadcasts Beck's doctored footage incriminating Spider-Man for his death and the Elementals' attacks.
- In the post-credits scene, Nick Fury and Maria Hill are revealed to be Talos and Soren this whole time (with the formers' permission), while the real Fury is on a Skrull spaceship.
- Strawman News Media: The Daily Bugle is now a controversial news site parroting fake news without bothering to check the facts. More mainstream media manages to loophole journalistic integrity by reporting on The Daily Bugle's story, rather than running the story on their own (which would require them to check if it was accurate).
- Stylistic Suck: The tribute for the Avengers playing on the screens of Midtown High, set to Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You", starts with a giant "in memoriam" in all-lowercase Comic Sans, followed by photos of the Avengers (many of them fuzzy) with various stock transition effects. The final photo of Tony Stark is overlaid with flying doves, and the final image of candles has a very prominent watermark. The boom mic drops slightly into frame towards the end as well, just in case it wasn't clear.
- Superman Stays Out of Gotham: When Fury and Hill finally recruit Spidey, he asks why not Thor, Doctor Strange, or Captain Marvel. None of them are available.
- Super Strength: It's repeatedly shown that Spider-Man has superhuman strength and endurance. His raw strength is shown when a small tap on Flash on the bus trip knocks him out instantly to the point of inducing mild amnesia while he also breaks the padlock of his Dutch Jail Cell with his bare hands.
- Super Toughness: Once again demonstrated: Spider-Man survives injuries and accidents, which while painful, is far above ordinary human capability and would be fatal to any human being such as bonking his head multiple times against an iron bell or surviving the impact of a high-speed rail at full speed. On both occasions he's still conscious and not too worse for wear, while recovering and healing quickly.
- Surprisingly Good English: Lampshaded when Peter ends up in the jail cell with the Dutch football fans. Considering that Peter's just been country-hopping across Europe, that's saying something.
- Take Off Your Clothes: During his rendezvous with a female S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Peter repeatedly gets told to take off his clothes. So he can try the new stealth suit on, of course.
- Take Up My Sword: E.D.I.T.H. is Tony Stark's way of handing Stark Industries weapons and information gathering technology to Peter. In general, legacy and inheritance is one the central themes of the movie, with Spider-Man being pushed to and ultimately assuming the role once held by Iron Man as the hero of the MCU.
- The Teaser: Like in Homecoming, the Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios vanity plates are divided with a prologue scene: Nick Fury and Maria Hill investigate a destroyed Mexican village, where they encounter Quentin Beck and the Earth Elemental.
- Tempting Fate: After the way Project Insight blew up in Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s faces, there was serious fate-tempting in having a satellite carrying hundreds of armed drones deployed in orbit. Inevitably the system gets nefariously co-opted by Beck.
- Thanatos Gambit: Mysterio uses his final moments to record footage that frames Spider-Man for the drone attack and reveals Peter's true identity to the public.
- They Called Me Mad!: Mysterio says that Stark called him "unstable" as an excuse to fire him after stealing his invention. Of course, since he's in the middle of a plan to destroy a major city to make himself look like a hero, threatens his minions over a minor slight, and tries to kill a bunch of children for knowing too much, Tony had good foresight.
- This Is Not a Floor: Inverted when Mysterio creates an illusion around Spider-Man that they are on top of the Eiffel Tower, then an illusion of MJ is thrown off it. Spider-Man falls for it and tries to dive down and save her, only to hurt himself when he faceplants onto the concrete floor he was standing on.
- Title In: Nearly every new location is introduced with white text on the screen. The exception is when Peter winds up in Broek op Langedijk. Outside, he calls Happy to fly him out and has to ask a local to repeat what he said into the phone, during which the text finally appears on-screen.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: While Nick Fury was not exactly the kind of guy who made friends easily, here he is a complete hardass towards Peter, calling him out when Peter tries blowing off his responsibilities as Spider-Man to enjoy his trip through Europe, his short-attention span and the fact that he kept ghosting him. He then proceeds to limit Peter's options by rerouting his school-trip and his schedule so that Peter would have no choice but to work with them. He openly justifies this as a case of being backlogged with work after being gone for five-years during the Blip, and with the other Avengers either dead or indisposed, Nick's resources and info are limited. It makes even more sense in the mid-credit scene when it is revealed that Nick Fury was actually Talos disguised as him the whole time, doing his job while the real Nick Fury is out in space, working with a limited pool of memories to replicate his personality and comes across as much hammier than usual.
- Took a Level in Kindness:
- MJ is less of a troll to Peter and her friends, admitting to Peter that she has a lot of trouble opening up to people, and it is outright stated she already knows Peter is Spider-Man.
- Happy, who was largely dismissive and annoyed by Peter in Homecoming, is way more supportive of him here, comforting him after the death of their friend Tony and being the one to encourage him when Peter is doubting himself and complaining about the pressure of being Iron Man's successor.
- Flash explains that Spider-Man, his role model, is motivating him to become a better person. While he's still a dick to Peter and a blowhard, he's comparatively less of an asshole than he was in Homecoming.
- Toppled Statue: During Mysterio's illusion sequence, he fights Spider-Man on top of a broken statue of Captain America, while a statue of Mysterio himself towers over the battlefield.
- Toyless Toyline Character: The Funko Pop! and LEGO toy
feature both the fire and water elementals, but not the earth elemental.
- Tragic Keepsake:
- Peter takes Uncle Ben's briefcase with him on the trip, quite literally carrying the baggage of his dead uncle with him wherever he goes.
- Defied to all hell by Tony Stark, who made sure to put some kind of positive spin on every thing he passed to Peter. The airborne suit-builder lab really takes the cake.
- Traitor Shot: After Peter gives Beck the glasses and exits the bar, the camera pans back to Beck and lingers for a moment while the hologram around him dissolves, and then Beck gives a big Slasher Smile.
- Treacherous Advisor: Mysterio initially appears to be a mentor to Spider-Man, but is really just exploiting his trust for his own gain. He later uses everything he knows about Peter in order to gaslight him.
- Trespassing to Talk: Peter finds Nick Fury in his room waiting for him.
- Truer to the Text:
- The inclusion of Nick Fury as a snarky and cynical mentor to Peter, who also worms his way into Peter's life by shady means, makes this a truer exploration of the Ultimate Spider-Man comic than Homecoming.
- Spider-Man stepping out of his "friendly neighborhood" (New York) has happened numerous times in the comics. His first confrontation with the Green Goblin happened in California (ASM #14), as for Europe, he visited London in the wake of Captain George Stacy's death to check up on Gwen (ASM #95), then he visited Paris in ASM #142. He and Wolverine also visited Cold War-era Berlin (Spider-Man V. Wolverine #1).
- MJ's unapologetic snarkiness is truer to some aspects of some of her comic book counterparts, mainly the 616 early versions, whereas other movies draw on other aspects of her character. Likewise, MJ figuring out Peter is Spider-Man instead of him telling her, is straight from Tom Defalco's Amazing Spider-Man #257-259.
- Trust Password: After being thoroughly fooled by Mysterio pretending to be Nick Fury Peter makes sure to check that Happy Hogan is real by asking him to tell him something only the real Happy would know. Happy responds by talking about the time they were in Germany together and Peter ordered an adult movie via the pay-per-view. The story's enough to convince Peter that it's the real Happy.
- Twice Shy: Peter and MJ both devolve into stammering messes when complimenting each other. And while Peter is trying his best to work up the courage to confess his feelings to her, MJ herself is very nervous about admitting she likes him and tries to cover it up with just suspecting that he's Spider-Man.
- Uncertain Doom: Mysterio appears to have bled out from a few bullet wounds at the end of the movie, but given his penchant for tricking people and noting that he had a backup plan, it's entirely possible that he's faking his own death.
- Understatement: In the second Stinger when Talos makes his video report to the real Nick Fury, he describes the events of the film as "Things went... a little bit off the rails."
- Unfriendly Fire: In the final confrontation, Mysterio asks why a large number of his drones aren't firing; E.D.I.T.H. informs him that he's too close to be safe. He overrides her, and ends up getting gut-shot when Peter destroys ones of the last drones.
- Ungrateful Bastard: A whole team of them, but primarily Mysterio himself. Despite the fact that the film follows eight months after Tony's sacrifice to save the entire universe from being destroyed by Thanos, Mysterio's crew consists of several disgruntled workers including the one who was yelled at by Obadiah Stane in the first Iron Man film who show zero gratitude for that.
- Un-Paused: The fact that everyone who got blipped stays the same was used as a gag early in the movie. The school band got dusted while performing in the basketball court, and then returns 5 years later in the same court, still playing instruments, while in the middle of a match. Hilarity Ensues as the players and the band members crash into each other.
- Unreliable Expositor: There's a flashback about the scene where Tony introduce BARF in Captain America: Civil War is different than the real scene of that movie. The narrator says that everyone laughed at the silly name Tony put to his creation, but, in truth, nobody laughed, and even Tony himself found the name stupid and admitted that he had to find a better name.
- The Unreveal: The building that used to be Stark Tower is being renovated throughout the film, with it being explained in Spider-Man: Homecoming that a new buyer purchased the building from Tony Stark. In the last scene of the film, Spider-Man swings by the building... But no logo is seen on it, keeping the buyer's identity a mystery.
- Unusual Euphemism: When asked by Fury how well the black suit fits, Peter answers that it's tight around the "ole web shooter" and visibly stretches the crotch area.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: In the bar in Prague, although they are both unmasked, Spider-Man is wearing his black stealth suit and Mysterio is wearing his neon-lit armor yet no one pays any attention to them. It's downplayed since Prague is having a "Carnival of Lights" celebration that evening with many of the participants wearing costumes. However, after Peter leaves, it's completely subverted when it's revealed that everyone in the bar is an illusion or part of Beck's team.
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: In the climax, the Big Bad gets hit pretty hard since Spider-Man does a good amount of preparation beforehand. It's downplayed in that it's only been a few days since their last confrontation, the Big Bad doesn't know that Peter even has a Spider-Sense let alone mastered it, and he thinks Spider-Man is dead so there was no reason for him upgrade his plans.
- Villain Has a Point: The only legitimate point that Mysterio makes is that Tony was irresponsible to give that much weaponry to a child. It says something that even Peter agrees with, given he believes he can't handle this much power.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Thanks to some creative editing and a webcast by J. Jonah Jameson, the public now sees Mysterio as a martyr, and Spider-Man as the insane mass murderer who killed him. At least, that's what Jameson hopes.
- Virtual Reality Interrogation: Hardly surprising, considering it's Mysterio we are talking about. Here, he creates an illusion of himself getting taken out by Fury, and asks Peter who else knows about the deception.
- We Will Not Use Photoshop in the Future: Apparently, all it takes for J. Jonah Jameson to label Spider-Man a villain is a video from Mysterio. Downplayed in that the cutting edge technology available to Beck and his "Stark Industry level" engineering support team would have made it pretty easy to falsify the video as coming from a legitimate source. Even the Skrulls, Talos and Soren, admitted that his technology fooled shapeshifters like them.
- Wham Episode: The mid-credits scene establishes what's otherwise a Breather Episode as this. In short: Spider-Man's secret identity is exposed as Peter Parker, and he's been framed by Mysterio for the destruction in London.
- Wham Line:
- As the true villain is revealed:
- Peter is about to confess his feelings for MJ to her, when...
- In the mid-credits scene, the identity of the website that shows the footage:
Pat Kiernan: This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news website TheDailyBugle.net.
- And then, displayed for all of New York City to see and hear:
Mysterio: Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!
Peter: What the fu—
- Wham Shot:
- After Peter leaves the bar, the camera lingers on the inside for a moment... and then the decorations and some of the people gradually start to disappear in blue light, revealing that the whole thing was actually an elaborate hologram. And in case you had any doubts about what this means, Mysterio breaks into a sinister smile as it happens.
- The mid-credits scene has a massive one, if only from a meta-perspective, as the news feed documenting Mysterio's dying message suddenly cuts to a shot of J. Jonah Jameson (played by J.K. Simmons) doing what he does best: yelling about Spider-Man.
- The post-credits scene has "Fury and Hill" transform into Talos and Soren, while the real Fury is on a Skrull spaceship.
- What Does She See in Him?: Throughout the film, Peter is baffled by two unlikely relationships: his Aunt May and Happy Hogan, and his best friend Ned who pairs with Betty.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: After the climax, we see Riva download the drone program into his laptop and flee to parts unknown, but the rest of Mysterio's support crew is never seen again.
- What the Hell, Hero?: During the final attack, as Mr. Harrington tries to get the kids to safety, he snaps at Mr. Dell that he's at least trying to look after the kids rather than Dell, who's always absolving himself of blame.
- What You Are in the Dark:
- Michelle suspected for a while that Peter was Spider-Man, having figured it out on her own. She didn't tell anyone or mention it to Peter until they had a moment in private. She snarks about how he's terrible at keeping his secret identity under the radar, but still very honorable.
- Quentin fails this. The Post-Snap world and Tony's death gave him a chance to make a clean slate with the technology he developed and "borrowed" from Stark Industries. He could have become a hero for real, or engaged in Cut Lex Luthor a Check, but instead decides to play the part and uses Peter to gain glory.
- Worthy Opponent: Played with: While Mysterio candidly admits that he likes Parker (and is even somewhat sad that he "has to" kill him) because he has a "good heart", he doesn't actually respect him because he follows the admission by scoffing that it is "such a weakness."
- Would Hit a Girl: During the final showdown, Beck torments Spider-Man with a series of elaborate illusions, including a frightening scene where — after growing to giant size and donning a suit of armor — grabs MJ by the neck and after choking her throws her to her death.
- Would Hurt a Child: When the Big Bad's plan starts to unravel, they are perfectly fine with killing MJ, Ned, Betty and Flash because they think they all know the whole truth. Their plan to get those four involves killing the whole class, and not one of his dozen or so lackeys calls him on it.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are:
- When Peter insists this mission is well beyond a minor superhero like him, Nick Fury says, "Bitch, please! You've been to space!"
- Happy also tells Peter this after Peter's convinced he screwed up by trusting Beck:
"Tony was my best friend, and he was a mess. He second-guessed everything he did. He was all over the place. The one thing that he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know that you were going to be here after he was gone."
- You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost: When Quentin puts on the E.D.I.T.H. glasses, Peter is clearly stricken by the resemblance between him and Tony. Given Beck's ultimate plan to have Peter give him the E.D.I.T.H. tech, the resemblance is very likely deliberate.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: At the midway point of the film, Spider-Man and Mysterio succeed in defeating the last of the known Elementals. However, considering there's still another half of the movie to go, that means something's going to happen. Cue Wham Shot.
"I faced a lot of deception. And I'm tired of the lies."
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Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/SpiderManFarFromHome