Best Settings for Black Ops 4 Gtx 960
Miscellaneous Advanced Tweaks
Advanced users can access a range of variables for altering various options not available in the in-game settings. Use a text editor like Windows Wordpad to open your config.cfg (singleplayer) or config_mp.cfg (multiplayer) file found under the Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommoncall of duty black opsplayers directory. Make a backup of each file before making any changes.
Many of the variables found in these files correspond with in-game settings, and those which don't often have no impact at all when changed, as they have been deliberately disabled by the developers or are not used by COD:BO. Some of the working variables you might like to try include:
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seta r_dof_enable "1" - If set to 1, the Depth of Field effect, most commonly visible as a slight blurring of your weapon when you aim down your iron sights, is enabled. If set to 0, this effect is removed. This is shown in the screenshot comparison above.
seta r_multiGpu "0" - When set to "0" this turns off the detection of SLI systems and will have no effect if the game only has 1 GPU. When set to "1" the game will detect (using NVAPI) the number of GPUs on the system and won't do any SLI optimizations if there's only 1 GPU.
seta r_multithreaded_device "1" - This will create a D3D device with the multithreaded flag. According to the developers, this is mainly a debugging option and doesn't enhance performance.
seta cg_drawMantleHint "1" - If you wish to remove the 'Press SPACE to climb over' prompt which appears whenever you come near an object you can climb over, then set this variable to 0.
seta cg_brass "1" - If set to 0, disables all ejecting brass, such as expended shells from your gun. This can improve FPS when firing your weapon.
seta cg_blood "1" - If set to 0, disables blood spurts from bullet impacts. This may improve performance, or can be used if you prefer not to see blood during online gameplay.
seta cl_maxpackets "30" - This setting controls the size of data packets sent to the server containing your movements during multiplayer matches. The higher this value is set, the smaller each packet size, and hence the more frequently your most recent movement data is sent to the server. General player feedback is that a higher value of 100 for this variable can improve responsiveness.
seta rate "25000" - This setting determines the rate at which packets are sent to the server. It is set based on your connection type, and the default value of 25,000 is optimal for broadband connections. However you can experiment with altering this value to see if it improves your ping.
seta snaps "20" - This setting controls the rate at which updates are received from the server. Raising this value is unlikely to have any impact given the server's send rate is usually capped at 20 and can't be altered by clients, but you can still try a value of 30 which appears to be quite popular.
There are a range of other variables with tempting names that imply graphics quality changes, such as: r_specular, r_blur_allowed, r_distortion, and r_glow_allowed. In experimenting with these in both singleplayer and multiplayer, no significant visual or performance change was detected. However you may still wish to disable these variables to see if they provide you with a performance boost.
Note that to permanently implement some changed variables you may need to set your relevant .cfg file to read-only by right-clicking on it, selecting Properties and ticking the 'Read-only' box. This is because the game engine automatically overwrites some changed variables with default values when the game is next launched. However be aware that making a .cfg file read-only also prevents any changes made to the in-game settings from being saved.
Some variables can be dynamically tested within multiplayer by using the command console. Press the ~ key to open the console, then type the name of the command, with a forward slash / instead of seta, and a numerical value without quotes. For example, to disable the Depth of Field effect in the command console during a multiplayer game, type:
/r_dof_enable 0
Importantly: be extremely careful what you change in the multiplayer config_mp.cfg file, as altering some variables can be detected as a cheat by the Valve Anti Cheat (VAC) system. In particular any variable changes which result in visual or gameplay glitches that can be considered exploits may be tagged as a cheat either by VAC or by individual server admins and could result in a ban.
Best Settings for Black Ops 4 Gtx 960