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Alt+Escape: Grayscale

Welcome to Alt+Escape, our weekly pick of browser-settled games to help you start your weekend a trifle future. Check backmost each Friday for a new game!



In some ways, Grayscale is all about the very simple idea of cause-and-outcome. If you accept a meshwork of interconnected gears and you spin one, every gear it's connected to leave move in turn. All path you claim has a upshot, every road may change something around you.

Perhaps that's taking a more liberal arts bent than the game requires. In Grayscale, you take along the role of a little … spark or something like that. Your goal is to navigate a serial publication of pathways to progress to the mark – I kind of see it arsenic an extremely precis representation of an electron powering a lightbulb, but that's just Maine. Sounds simple, right?

Not much. You see, the paths are blocked off by gears, and you'll need to turn of events them to make the pathways fall into place. How come you turn them? By taking other paths and brushing by the connected gears, of course.

Grayscale starts off highly simple, but the difficulty bend ramps up – and at level 10 (depicted preceding), it becomes a difficulty wall. It ain't always so promiscuous, but the style is great, the music is completely awesome, and it'll keep your brain teased for quite some time – the unadulterated way to ease into the weekend.
